You know something? Unless you are a geologist, meeting your financial goals seems to take FOREVER. I’m a product of the “NOW” generation. -I like my meals to be cooked as fast as possible. Microwaves take too long-I like my news NOW. Newspapers are so “yesterday”-I don’t like to wait for my food at a restaurant-My computer always seems too slow, even when it was
New Millionaire in the Making, plus a bonus: Ask the Expert
I absolutely love reading “Millionaire in the Making” on CNN Money. I find it very motivating to read how others are doing. The latest article highlights Christopher Ortega and Alicia McDonald. They are a couple that have known each other since high school and they both appear to have similiar money motivations. Here are some highlights: -Lots of home equity-Saving lots each month-Plan to save
Collection of 90+ Personal Finance Links
I’ve been playing around with listing a collection of personal finance links. You can find them over at: . I haven’t been terribly consistent about adding links, but it is building a significant listing of personal finance related links. There are 90+ links there now and I’ll keep building. If you have some links that you think might be good to include, there is
Ipod Nano Is an Amazing Product
Well, I’m just in love with the new Apple Ipod Nano. It is so small, but has so many features. By the time I’m done, it will have cost me about $50 extra to sell my Ipod Mini and upgrade to the Ipod Nano. This has nothing to do with personal finance, other than the fact that I’m blowing my daughter’s inheritance on it. Luckily
Talk About a Good Reason for an Emergeny Fund!
Well, we’ve pretty much been glued to the TV watching for any sign of what our parent’s house looks like outside the french quarter. So far we haven’t seen their street but we are hoping that it’s not completely under water. If it isn’t under water, and wasn’t damaged too bad from the hurricane itself, there is always the real possibility that it’s been completely
Sorry for the lack of Posting
I’ve been glued to the TV and working besides. My inlaws live in New Orleans and were evacuated. They are assuming their house has been destroyed. They are up in Arkansas staying in their camper van. Not exactly the most comfortable situation, but it could be worse. The local government is saying that they may not be able to come back for weeks to months.
We are on “Borrowed” Time
I read a fairly long article in the paper this morning that talks about how much debt we as a nation have. If every man, woman, and child paid their share of the debt, we’d each have to shell out $145000.00. WOW. Our government is overspending to the tune of over $300 billion and borrowing from people all around the world. It cited the fact
Lowered my Broadband Cost Today
I called my broadband company today. 6 months ago, I had called to threaten to cancel if they didn’t give me a discount. They dropped the price for 6 months for me. Well, that 6 months is over so I called them back again. Here’s how the conversation went: Me: Hi. I’d like to change my broadband service to your 2 megabit speed instead of
It’s a Good Thing I’m not Doing this for the Money
I started writing this blog because I wanted to create dialogue around personal finances. I’ve always loved personal finance and am really amazed at how little most people care about their finances. So, here I was blogging away and then I noticed that Google had a thing called Adsense. I thought, WOW. I could actually earn money while I blog? It almost seemed too good
Went and Saw a Movie Last Night
For the first time in at least a year and a half, my wife and I went to see a movie last night. We didn’t even know what we were going to see until we got to the theater. It was mostly just a break from watching our daughter since my wife’s parents are in town. They told us to go out and do something,