It’s no secret that everybody loves your money. We all give it away to businesses every day with the assumption that the goods and services that each company has, is a better deal than a specific amount of money that’s in our wallet at the time. These days, the money doesn’t even have to be in your wallet. In fact, it doesn’t even have to
Links for you to Love are a nation of “Spenders”. This is a great article that talks about our nation and how we are the richest on the planet and have the highest GDP, but yet rank WAAAAAAY last in savings is the map that shows what the countries contribution to the global net savings/debt is. Notice the U.S. is at ($724) billion. No one else even comes
I have manually kept track of my finances with an Excel spreadsheet for years now. It’s got great charts, and it is doing the trick, but I’ve always wanted to keep track in MS Money or Quicken etc. Each time I’ve tried, I find that I can never get my accounts balanced. Any ideas on how to get started? Are there any secrets? I’ve used
Class comparison Tool
This is very cool. It lets you choose your occupation, education level, income level, and net worth and tells you what class you would be considered to be in. It’s interesting to see how they’ve rated some of the different professions etc. Very much worth your time to check it out:
$.03 cents off per gallon? A free blender?
So, I’m sitting here having my morning coffee and reading the Sunday paper. Safeway (grocery chain) has a full page ad in the paper that says if you spend $50 in their store, you can get an extra 3 cents off per gallon of gas. If you car holds 15 gallons of gas, that’s a whopping $.45. So, what is that? Less than a 1
Great Article about Current Debt Levels
This is a great article that lists the different debt levels for mortgages, cars, consumer credit, student loans etc. The numbers are pretty darned high. I’m glad that we aren’t staring at any of these numbers in our house (with the exception of the mortgage). Anyway, interesting to read through. Check it out here:
Flippity flop and they don’t stop
I read an article about people that are trying to flip real estate. It just reinforces my opinion that, even with real estate prices as high as they are, you still need a clue to make money in real estate. The article makes a couple good points though about the fact that with so many people buying properties to hold either short term, or long
I Just Love Fatwallet
If you haven’t been to, I highly recommend it. I think that, as a substitute for throwing away my money on cars, I have turned to electronics as a decent substitute. You can spend pretty significantly on electronics and still not lose the kind of money that you can on a new car (think depreciation). Now, I don’t spend a ton of money on
Millionaires, Millionaires, Millionaires! Oh boy More Millionaires!
Well, according to this article, we have a record number of millionaires out there. That’s great news, unless you aren’t one of them. I’m on my way, but I haven’t made it yet, and the road looks long and bumpy. Highlights: There are 7.5 million millionaires in the country now A 21% increase in millionaires year over year There were only 6 million millionaires in
Payday loans are from Satan himself
You have got to read this article in the Seattle PI. It looks at Payday loan companies and what kind of interest they charge. How about 391 percent? I just don’t know how people can offer this and sleep at night. It’s interesting (not surprising) that they saturate areas that have lower incomes and prey on the people that can least afford to use their