I have nothing but respect for the soldiers who have been over in Iraq. It’s not important whether I believe they should or shouldn’t have been sent there. They got the call and they served their country. I just wish, instead of reading the below article, I had read an article that said, “Soldiers back from Iraq, save, save, save. Of course, that article doesn’t
TurboTax at Costco for $18.99 (Last two days)
I’m a Turbotax user. I have been for at least 5 years. Yes, I stayed with them during their whole “spyware program” episode a couple years ago. I was mad at them, but I just uninstalled everything after I was done with my taxes. I think they’ve learned their lesson on that. Anyway, Costco has Turbotax Deluxe (which works for most people unless you have
Leaving $1.1 Million to National Debt
Wow. Amazing. Uhh what the heck? I can’t believe it. So, this lady right here, left her entire $1.1 million estate to the national debt. No surprise I don’t agree with her. That must be somewhere around the equivalent of less than .01 cents towards our debt. It is so completely dilluted that it seems like it would have been put to better use if
Earthquake Insurance
You know, I’ve got a lot of insurance. I’ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance and life insurance. While that seems like a lot of insurance, I don’t have earthquake insurance. For those of you living in the midwest, you probably are saying to yourself, “yeah, so what”. Well, as much as I’d like to say that too, I have to face the fact that we
Links For You to Love
http://money.cnn.com/2006/01/17/commentary/everyday/sahadi Signs that you have too much money. Okay, I know I don’t have this problem. Who the hell are they writing these for anyway? http://money.cnn.com/2006/01/13/retirement/updegrave_money_0602 3 rules for a happy retirement. (Not that great of a piece, but what the heck. I was already on the site.) Further discussion and information about the IBM saga of getting rid of their pensions. They’ll be matching
New Brakes!
One of the benefits to having grown up around cars and working in our family auto parts business for many years is the ability to work on my own cars when I choose to. Well, today I had to put new brakes on my Toyota truck. I’ve known that it was coming and planned ahead. First, I called around to get prices for a brake
Dinner Anyone?
Last night my wife and I went out to dinner. A couple months ago, I was given a $100 gift card to Morton’s steak house in Seattle. I’d never been there so we were looking forward to going. I’d heard that it was somewhat expensive but figured the $100 would get us a decent meal. We arrived downtown about 5:45 and pulled up to the
Trip to Disneyland
We are thinking about taking a trip to Disneyland in March. I’ve looked around and the best deal I seem to be able to find is directly through Alaskaair.com. Total price: $1200 (includes airfare, hotel, park tickets, airport shuttle, taxes). When looking, I noticed that what the airlines seem to do is list ridiculous prices for hotels in their packages. While Alaska has “kids fly
Sometimes I Wish I Didn’t Know any Better
I’ve often wondered what it would be like to float through my existence on this planet with complete and total ignorance. I wouldn’t know enough to worry about retirement. I’d simply spend to exist and not worry about what awaited me in the future. If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t worry about whether I’m saving enough. I also wouldn’t worry about losing my
Links For You to Love
http://www.slate.com/id/2134007/?nav=tap3 Okay, I just added this one late, but it is worth the wait. I think it’s a decent article. I agree with some of what he says, and struggle with other parts. Yes, the economy is changing. Yes, there have always been hardships to deal with as you start your careers, but I liked the end of the article. For all the complaining that