We don’t get too carried away on Valentines day at our house. Our point of view (mostly from my wife) is that it doesn’t take one day per year to express our love to each other, rather it’s better to spend 365 days per year doing that. So, needless to say, we don’t get too carried away on gifts on this day. It has become
NCNBlog is Debt Free!
Congratulations go to NCN over at NCNBlog. He has done an amazing job of paying off all of his debt in less than a year. He’s celebrating, as he should be! Way to Go NCN! http://ncnblog.blogspot.com/2006/02/its-over-its-all-over-down-goes.html
How Much is Your House Worth?
Okay. I’ll admit it. I have a price. As much as I like living in my house, it’s just a house. Something to maintain and hopefully help me increase my net worth with equity over time. This lady really likes her house. How much, you ask? A LOT. Check out this article. She pretty much told the developer to go screw himself. Her view is
I’ve Got a Few Issues With the Younger ME
I was sitting around thinking (not again) and I realized that I’ve really short changed myself in the past. Not so bad that I haven’t recovered from it (to some extent), but enough that I could have made things a bit easier on myself. Jonathon at MymoneyBlog had a good post about mistakes, and so did MyOpenWallet. I think it’s a fact of life that
Links For You to Love
http://money.cnn.com/2006/02/03/pf/pay_hike_jobseeker/index.htm Would you like to increase your pay? Choose a career in one of these high demand fields. http://finance.yahoo.com/columnist/article/yourlife/2449 Okay. I admit it. I like reading Ben Stein’s articles. Maybe I want to win some of it. (lame joke) http://www.komotv.com/stories/41695.htm Hey Buddy. Can you spare a dime? I need to send an email. http://finance.yahoo.com/columnist/article/moneymatters/2236 Suze’s got something to tell you. Are you being honest? No
Bummer! (Superbowl)
Well, I won’t whine and cry about some of the calls made in yesterday’s game. I’ll just lick my wounds and carry on. It would have been nice to see a Superbowl win in Seattle. I guess the positive side is that I didn’t bet any money on the game, and we watched it with friends at home, so it really wasn’t an expensive loss
Yep. Payday Loans are Evil!
Even the Navy wants to see more limitations for these types of loans. Apparently a high number of their sailors are finding themselves knee deep in debt with these places. Washington state has a cap of 391% APR for these loans. (They are short term loans at high interest that, when calculated out to an APR, really seem excessive). There are 36 payday lenders within
How Well is Your 401k Doing?
Keep saving. If you don’t save enough, you could wind up butchering meat in your garage and then get fined for food safety violations. I’m guessing this couple probably should have saved a little more over their lifetime. Being elderly and running a butcher shop out of your garage just doesn’t sound all the appealing. I think I’ll go transfer a bit more money in
Larry Ellison – Oracle CEO
From the “Spend less than you make” department. Apparently Larry Ellison is having a little trouble with this concept. It feels good to dump on Larry a bit. Probably because, even with his “spending problems”, he makes more interest on his money in an hour, than I’ll make my whole life in income. Okay. Yes, that is jealousy talking a bit. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file
Bought Some New Tires
For the second time in my long ownership of my Toyota Tacoma, I’m going to need to buy tires. (Had I just bought a new truck, this wouldn’t be an issue) :) Tires for my truck range somewhere around $100 per tire. I absolutely HATE paying $400 for rubber, but at the same time, I do like to drive on decent tires. Last time I