Have you checked out this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance? There are a TON of articles this week: http://citygirlsfinancialblog.blogspot.com/2006/11…
You Can Learn a Lot From a Rich Girl
Just spreading the love a little here. This blog post is pretty darned good. I found that it gets better towards the end. I particularly enjoyed the statements about spending a weeks worth of salary on one pair of pants. SHE tries to explain to someone that rich people don’t do this, to which that person says, “Yes they do. I see them wearing this
102 Personal Finance Tips
I’d like to say I came up with all of these tips, but of course, I didn’t. Check out this list of 102 personal finance tips you professor never taught you. It’s a pretty decent list. Obviously, “Pay yourself First” is at the top of the list: http://www.yourcreditadvisor.com/blog/2006/10/102_…
Sweating the Small Stuff
Every now and then I wonder if I’m too much of a tightwad. I’ll confess that there are a few things I do to try to keep our costs down. In no particular order: Religiously turn off the lights (and usually turn on the CFL bulbs instead of regular light bulbs (We have some of each in the house due to preferences) Try to go
But Daddy, I WANT to Have a Sweet Sixteen Party!!!
I read an article awhile back that talked about the new age of keeping up with the Jones’. Basically, the article stated that rather than trying to keep up with their neighbors, people were starting to try to keep up with what they see on TV. I can find no better example of this than what happened in our neighborhood recently. I was outside talking
Bounced Checks and ATM Fees at Record Highs
And the fees just keep on rising…….. This is a brief article that points out that ATM fees and bounced check fees continue to rise. The average charge for using an ATM that you don’t hold an account at is $1.64. For those people who get charged by their own bank as well, it could put you over $3 to get your own money out
I’m Ready to Try Rich People’s Problems
It’s times like this that I wish I was rich. Heck, I don’t even need to be filthy rich. Just average rich would be outstanding. I’ve heard people say that rich people just have a different set of problems. Well, I’m ready to try those out for awhile. If I could just find a way to work my way in to that economic demographic. Lately
Ramblings Yada Yada Yada
I’ve been a little absent from the blogging over the last couple weeks. It’s not because I want to be. We just have a ton going on right now. The most significant event over the past few days is that my dad is in the hospital. He’s been in there since last Thursday. Just when the prognosis seems to get better, something else happens and
Monkey See, Monkey Do
I’ve often noticed that children mimic their parents in many, many ways. I have to really be careful because my three year old daughter repeats almost everything I say. I’m still not sure how we are going to get her to stop saying “fart”. Of course, I slipped up and said it months ago, and she has never forgotten it. Every few days, I have
Lottery Winners
I watched a show this weekend that highlighted 7 lottery winners. These lottery winners were a bit unusual because they actually still had a little of their money left. Their jackpots ranged from 2.4 million all the way up to 91 million. The show highlighted how many of these people had been extremely down on their luck before they won. One was living in a