It’s been a little quiet on the blog posting front the last few days. We celebrated the Easter holiday at our house so there was plenty of preparations for that, and what has really kept me busy is that I took a new job within my company. It should be more exciting and a completely different technology than I have been working with so I’ll
Arrested Millionaires, Internet Porn Millionaire and Something for the Rest of Us Okay. What the heck. What’s wrong with you Alex? You win the lottery and then get arrested for not paying taxes on it? Did you really need the extra tax money? I mean, I think I could live pretty well on $660,000 a year. I’d call it a nasty case of moronitis!,3800004871,39158081,00.htm Outsourcing isn’t saving as much money as once thought. I take
It’s New To You!
Every once in awhile, I like to go back and find a post from the early years. Oh, okay, the early months. This post is back from August and was actually first posted on the blogger site. Unfortunately, when I converted the site here, I lost all the comments, (this post had a lot of comments). Take a quick look at the article and see
Internet Forums are Your Friend
I’m amazed at what you can learn on internet forums. I first realized how much help they can be when I bought my used Seadoo and needed some help figuring out how to work on it. I found a forum that was hosted by some very knowledgeable Seadoo techs and was frequented by hundreds of Seadoo owners. There were pictures of what parts looked like,
Don’t Go In To Debt For That Vacation!
Take a look at this article that talks about how to pay for that next family vacation. Basically, the article states that you should plan ahead a bit. If the vacation is important to you, then why not make it a priority all year long to put aside a bit of money. He also talks about potential ways to save on other things to make
What Does Good Money Management Mean to You
I was reading a comment on My Open Wallet and it got me to thinking. What does good money management mean to you? As I’ve talked to people that have struggled with money I never realized that their definition of good money management and mine were completely different. My definition of good money management is that you have a plan, you know how much money
Oprah’s Debt Diet
I was going to write a post about Oprah’s debt diet. (Their “finale” was yesterday) but I found that “It’s Just Money” did a good job and said pretty much everything I was thinking. One part of the show that I found a little annoying was their level of enthusiasm about declaring, “Great news. You are going to be a millionaire”. I guess I would
Trying Not to Create a Material Girl
You know something? Toys are dirt cheap. Ever since they started manufacturing them in foreign countries (think China, Taiwan etc) toys have continued their price decline. Combine low cost manufacturing with very large retail importers (think Walmart, Target, Costco etc) and you’ve got the recipe for low cost toys for kids. Why do I care, you ask? Well, it all goes back to my childhood,
Stack the Cards in YOUR Favor at a Car Dealership
Have you ever wanted to know how the car dealers spin their web? It’s no secret that going to a car dealer to buy a car is not exactly everyone’s favorite activity. Car dealers use many techniques to put you in a car with the cards stacked in their favor. Many people end up paying far too much for their vehicle because they don’t know
When Dan found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. “I may look like just an ordinary man”, he said as he