It’s been about two years since we sold our 2000 Honda Accord to my sister and bought a 1996 Toyota 4Runner from a friend of mine. We originally did this so that we could all be comfortable driving out to the lake while we were towing our Seadoo (we’ve since sold the Seadoo to help cover the cost of the property we bought). Well, now
Net Worth Progress
I know I quit displaying detailed net worth statistics awhile ago since I had some friends and family come across this blog but I thought I’d share some of the progress that we are experiencing. I’ve been tracking what I call “Point in Time” balances for a little over a year now. Up until that point I wasn’t keeping any historical data about our net
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Would you like to advertise on ELYM? Please email: advertise@*nospam* (You’ll just need to remove *nospam* in the email address) We offer very competitive rates!
Infinity Plus One
I really got a kick out of this article. Yahoo is now going to give it’s Users unlimited storage for email. Google, not to be outdone, is going to offer “Infinity plus one” email storage. There are a couple other funny statements in the article as well. Check it out. The other thing that strikes me about the article is the last few comments regarding
75 Year Old Woman Buying a $360K House in Texas
I love reading Scott Burn’s blog. He has such great examples and questions from people and he really gives them sound advice. He doesn’t yell like Cramer from Mad Money and isn’t annoying like Suze Ormann either. In this particular post, Scott addresses a question from a 75 year old woman. She is selling a $600K house in California and is planning on buying a
I’m Done Shopping At Circuit City
I’ve been reading about Circuit City in the news the last couple days. Apparently they have a new strategy to lay off about 3400 store workers that they believe they are paying over “market” wages to. So, these people, who have undoubtedly been good performers for them (which is how they got pay raises) are just tossed out on their ears. That hardly seems like a
10 Reasons You Aren’t Rich
Jeffrey Strain over at TheStreet has a great article titled: 10 Reasons You Aren’t Rich. Here are the 10 reasons but you need to go over to the article to see the detail behind each one. Great post and it’s so simple. This really is the secret in a nutshell. 1. You Care What Your Neighbors Think 2. You Aren’t Patient 3. You Have
I Am So Angry At Dell!!!!!
I am so pissed, I can hardly see straight. I have been using a Dell 962 printer for the last couple years. I’ve intentionally been conservative about printing color printouts so that I can preserve my color cartridge and make it last longer. Well, apparently Dell doesn’t like you to do that. I’m getting an error that says, “Right cartridge incorrect”. I had this happen
Home Depot Needs To Put On Their Hard Hats And Get To Work
There is a great post over at about Home Depot. I remember reading Scott’s column regarding his experience at Home Depot and I just shook my head. I have had my share of frustrating experiences there. Most of the time it’s related to the length of time it takes to get through the checkout lines. I’ve literally sat there for 25-30 minutes to get
Lightening the Mood With Some Great Finance Articles (Humor)
Ken Lay’s children inherit 4000 pensions: America Online To Build Three Million Home Pages For The Homeless: Geico To Save 15% Or More By Discontinuing Advertising: Illegal Immigrants Returning To Mexico For American Jobs: And a visit to the Onion is never complete without some Knowledge from Hebert Kornfeld, the baddest azz Accountz Receivable Playa in the world: (If bad words