I’m just recently starting to get excited about watching TV on the internet. There are a couple companies out there that are working on this technology, but I think one stands out more than the others. JOOST is being developed by the same guys that created Kazaa and Skype. They obviously get it. Skype has turned in to a killer app and it really didn’t take
Links to Love
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted “Links to Love”. Here are some of the better links floating around out there: Fight the urge to splurge @ Get Rich Slowly JD does a great job at pointing out how so many of us fall victim to useless spending. I especially like the idea he mentions to force yourself to put 10% of your purchases in
Saving For College – 529 Plans
As I mentioned in a previous post, I finally pulled the trigger and set up a 529 college savings plan for our daughter. How did I choose the plan? Well, it all started with a visit to: http://www.savingforcollege.com This site is THE authoritative source for 529 plan information. I began by reading up on the basics here. Once I felt like I had a decent
Gas Prices Make Me Want to Walk
Oh, how I wish I lived in an area where I could walk to work, or at least ride my bike. I had to fill the tank today and gas cost me over $3.00 per gallon. Since I drive a Toyota Tacoma, I only get about 19 miles to the gallon. I’ve been driving for work a bit and get paid mileage, which is helping
Like Minded Individuals – Critical To Your Success
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Keeping up with the Jones’”. If you don’t know what that means, it’s really quite simple. Basically it is a phrase used when one person compares what they have to what someone they associate with has. That sounded a little confusing. Let me give you an example: Bob lives at 123 Main Street. From the outside, it looks like Bob
Want To Be On My Blogroll?
If you are a Personal Finance Blogger that has been around for at least 4 months and would like to be on my blogroll, please leave me a comment. In the comment, just put the name and url of your blog. I would only ask that you also link back to Everybody Loves Your Money. I know that there are some other blogs out there that have
Bought New Cel Phones Today
My wife and I had a good laugh today. You see, we have been needing to buy new cellular phones for quite a while. Her’s is falling apart and doesn’t hold much of a charge and mine won’t allow you to charge it unless it’s in the car. We’ve been dealing with that for well over 7 months but haven’t wanted to pull the trigger
Porsche – Buy One, Get One Free
Awhile back I posted about a supposed promotion at a California dealership by a guy named Glen Fergusson. The story went that Glen hadn’t been at the dealership too long and wasn’t very good at math. Glen supposedly gave away 18 Porsches before the owner of the dealership caught on, canceled the promotion and fired Glen. Old Glen was going to be in big trouble
What Is Your Net Worth
I was browsing through personal finance articles and came upon this recent article by Rodney Sessions on net worth (in the Hattiesburg American). Rodney spends the majority of the article asking why we shouldn’t consider other things as part of our net worth. I’m not sure Rodney understands the point of calculating your net worth. He seems to be implying that people’s net worth is
TOP 13 Money Saving IDEAS Of All Time
If you are like me, you are always looking for simple, yet effective ways to save money. I’ve spent countless hours surfing websites looking for ways to save the few precious dollars I have. The title if this site says it all: Everybody Loves Your Money! It’s about time you executed on a radical money saving strategy to keep your money from all those blood (aka: