This is what it’s like trying to get people to agree in my big company:
Real Estate is a Funny Thing
I continue to be amazed at how our home values keep increasing in our neighborhood. Prices are going up so much, that it almost makes me wonder when they’ll come back down. At some point, with interest rates going up, and prices going up, there won’t be any buyers that can afford to buy these houses. When I moved in to our house 3 years
Furniture Store +$1500 — Hazzard -$1500
Well, the net worth took a hit yesterday. My wife and I decided to go look for some night stands for our bedroom. We have been using some homemade night stands for about 6 years and before that, we didn’t have any. I had promised my wife that we could use some of my annual bonus to pick up a couple pieces of furniture to
Oprah has a New Friday Show – Get Out of Debt
I was excited to see JLP’s post (AllThingsFinancial) on what Oprah is doing with her friday shows. She calls it the Debt Diet. She is profiling families who are in debt and in need of help. You can view each of the families profiles on her website: The Bradleys: The Egglestons: The Widlunds: My hope is that this attention to a significant
Cable TV/Broadband is a RIPOFF
I just got my latest cable/internet bill. Arrrgggghhhh. Total due: $93.00, for one month. It seems my discount for broadband has expired after 6 months (like they said it would). This is the second time I’ve received the discount and the woman told me that they wouldn’t be able to lower it after the last time because I’d received a full year of internet service
More Money Saving Tips from ELYM
Well, here it is February. The holiday season is over and the debt hangover is finally taking shape. Holy smokes! You spent a lot of money on presents this year. Well, there’s only one way to overcome this hangover. Save LOTS of money on things. With all of the money you’ll save with these groundbreaking ideas, you are sure to pull yourself up and out
Happy Valentines Day
We don’t get too carried away on Valentines day at our house. Our point of view (mostly from my wife) is that it doesn’t take one day per year to express our love to each other, rather it’s better to spend 365 days per year doing that. So, needless to say, we don’t get too carried away on gifts on this day. It has become
NCNBlog is Debt Free!
Congratulations go to NCN over at NCNBlog. He has done an amazing job of paying off all of his debt in less than a year. He’s celebrating, as he should be! Way to Go NCN!
How Much is Your House Worth?
Okay. I’ll admit it. I have a price. As much as I like living in my house, it’s just a house. Something to maintain and hopefully help me increase my net worth with equity over time. This lady really likes her house. How much, you ask? A LOT. Check out this article. She pretty much told the developer to go screw himself. Her view is
I’ve Got a Few Issues With the Younger ME
I was sitting around thinking (not again) and I realized that I’ve really short changed myself in the past. Not so bad that I haven’t recovered from it (to some extent), but enough that I could have made things a bit easier on myself. Jonathon at MymoneyBlog had a good post about mistakes, and so did MyOpenWallet. I think it’s a fact of life that