Everywhere I look I see opportunities to spend money. Some of them are tempting, but many others are not. Certainly we all have needs and wants. Recognizing how the “wants” can hurt you financially is a huge step in the right direction. Here are my top 10 ways to waste your money and after those 10, we’ll look at what you could have done with
Roadshow That Teaches The Basics About Finances
I just read about a roadshow that teaches kids the basics about money. I suppose it’s a start. My preference would be to have a full curriculum in our schools to teach younger kids about personal finance. Since we don’t have that, I guess we have to be glad that at least someone is making an attempt to teach our children about money. This program is
Mortgage Company Just Dying To Give Us More Money
I guess it’s a sign that it’s getting harder for the banks and mortgage companies to find someone to loan money to. I continue to get more letters from various lenders telling me that I am qualified to either refinance my home mortgage with them or take equity out of my home. The latest is from my actual mortgage company. The top of the page
Free TV On The Internet
If you’ve been waiting to find someone to invite you to try out JOOST, the wait is over. You can now invite yourself here: https://joost.com/presents/gigaom-newteevee/ Joost lets you watch various TV programs over the internet and is supposedly the next big thing! I’ll be trying it out and will review it here on this blog.
I’ve Been Selected To Move Money Out Of Iraq
I have absolutely the best luck in the whole world. Not too long ago, I was sent an email from Peter Boltton. He claimed that his boss died in a terrible plane crash and he needed help getting the money that his boss left behind. He wanted to list me as his next of kin and I could share in all the money that he
You Know You Shouldn’t Buy A House When….
You look in the couch cushion for a down payment Anything at your workplace is deep fried You know any bill collector on a first name basis Your car payment is more than 30% of your take home pay You are on a payment plan at the local payday loan office Your credit card minimum payment is more than 15% of your take home pay
Another Couple Strangled By Bad Mortgage Debt
I read a great article in the local paper here about a couple that has found themselves in a high stress situation. They simply can’t afford their home. They have an 80% value mortgage and a 20% “extra” loan for their home. Due to their credit card debt, they couldn’t get a standard mortgage so they found someone that offered a solution for them. House
Are Prices on QVC and The Home Shopping Channel Any Good?
I was flipping channels yesterday while I was taking a break from working on the cabin. Out at our family cabin that is across the street from the place we are building, we only have about 8 channels. My parents really only wanted the basic channels since tv isn’t much of a priority out there. One of the channels you get, no matter which cable
Lottery Winner Living On Social Security
It’s a disappointing trend. Yet another lottery winner who has lost his winnings and is now back to living the lifestyle that he had prior to winning the lottery in the first place. Andrew Cicero used to be a security guard. He won $5.5 million in the Wisconsin megabucks lottery. He started out with annual payments of about $98,000 per year but ultimately sold off
Teach Your Kids To Be Smart With Money – Encore Post
Here is a post that was previously posted back in March of 2005. If you haven’t reviewed the ELYM archives, you may want to take a peek. ———- As you’ve read through all of these articles, have you found yourself thinking that you should have done a few things different? Could you be better off now if you had made different decisions earlier on? Do