There are a few things in life that cause a bit of a reaction in people. There’s the whole “Windows or Mac” thing, or “Republican or Democrat”, “Gay marriage or no gay marriage”, “Abortion or no abortion”. Obviously some of these are more serious than others. There is one other that springs to mind when we talk about opinions and that’s “homeowners association, or no
A large chunk of people’s wealth is tied up in their homes. There are lots of factors that affect home price and there are lots of things that you can do to increase your home’s value. Unfortunately, there are a few things that can negatively impact your home value and the neighbors you have are right up at the top of the list.A few years
Net Worth Trend
Well, as some of you may have noticed, I took down the details of our net worth. I did this for a couple reasons. I decided that I didn’t want to put that level of detail out any more and not long after making that decision, a few of my friends discovered this blog. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ashamed of where our net
WAYYYY Over the Top
This is the kind of crap that my daughter will see on TV as she gets older. $150,000 for a birthday party? This girl is going to have REAL issues (as if she doesn’t already): Definitely worth reading as entertainment.
Pictures from New Orleans
I wanted to share a few of the photos of life in New Orleans. They are a long way from “back to normal”. Each small picture links to a larger one. And if you’ve got broadband and want to see what it’s like driving down the street down there, check out this video: Gas Station blown over: Piles of debris all along the roads: Apartment
Grateful For Our Good Fortune
My wife and daughter have spent the last week in New Orleans visiting her parents. They have lived down there for about 7 years due to my father in law being relocated to work in aerospace down there. If you’ve been reading the blog for awhile, you might recall that I blogged a bit about my inlaws experience through the hurricane. My mother in law
We Are a Nation of Optimists
On the subject of things that don’t seem to make sense……. Kiplinger has an article about how consumer confidence is at a 4 year high. I confess. This just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Gas prices are at an all time high, interest rates are rising which could have multiple impacts on consumers (credit card rates increasing, adjustable mortgages going up etc),
Hey Little Kiddie, Wan’t some Credit?
They can’t vote, heck they can’t even join the military. Don’t worry though, they can start digging themselves a deep hole while they are still in high school. While I’m okay with someone under 18 learning to use credit with the help of their parents (assuming that their parents are good with money), I’m not so comfortable with credit card applications being distributed at schools
Glad I’m Not Rhonda!
MSN article highlighting adjustable rate mortgages and rates of foreclosure. One thing that caught my eye. Rhonda took a two year adjustable rate at 7.8%? Can you say “robbed”? I’m guessing she must not have stellar credit.
Lot’s Happening Here
It’s been a little quiet on the blog posting front the last few days. We celebrated the Easter holiday at our house so there was plenty of preparations for that, and what has really kept me busy is that I took a new job within my company. It should be more exciting and a completely different technology than I have been working with so I’ll