I have to tell you right up front. The following article makes me sick. I am so tired of the American way of measuring the success of a special day based on how much money is spent on it. I’ve long since been disgusted with the mass hemmorhaging of money during the Christmas season. I think we’ve long since lost sight of the true meaning
Maxed Out – Now On DVD
Thanks to Nickel for pointing out that Maxed Out has been released on DVD. This is the next movie I’m watching. Here is the trailer for the movie: Here is a 10 minute interview with James Scurlock (Creator of Maxed Out):
Job Security Ain’t What It Used To Be
Wouldn’t you know it. I stick my neck out a bit and buy this second home. Further, I sink every nickel I’m making in to finishing the place. Then drama starts at work. I’ve been with my company for 6 years and was able to ride out post 9/11 while thousands and thousands of people got laid off. I’ve always been a high performer and shouldn’t have
Back From Debtneyland
We are back from Disneyland and I’m happy to report that we had a great time!! My daughter was overwhelmed by the place when we got there but slowly started to acclamate to the place. I haven’t been there for a long time and was amazed at all the changes. One thing that didn’t surprise me was how expensive everything was. We used a few
Getting Ready For Disneyland
The last 5 days of work have been brutal. Yelling, screaming, emotions running high. I wish I was joking, but I’m not. I learned a long time ago that it isn’t worth losing your cool, but certainly other people that I work with haven’t learned that. The way some people react, you’d think that people’s lives were at stake. Back in the days that I volunteered
401K Nearing The $100K Mark
I’m so close I can almost taste it. (Although, I’m not really sure what $100,000 tastes like). After almost 6 years on the job, my 401k is about to hit $100,000. I would have already hit the mark if I hadn’t scaled back my contributions to help offset our vacation home purchase (scaled back to 8% to get all the company match) but I expect that
Comcast Increased My Broadband Connection
It is about time. I just happened to check my connection speed this morning and found that Comcast had increased both my download and upload speeds. I’m not all that excited about the increased download speed, although it was neat to see the speedtest register up to 20 mebabit down (although the average was somewhere around 10-11 megabit. What got me the most excited was
Back From A Long Weekend
It’s about time I made a blog update. I’ve been out at the cabin for the last few days (since last Thursday night) and quite frankly, it’s kind of nice to be home to rest. I had intended to blog a bit out there but just didn’t have time. (I did, however, manage to keep up with a lot of the blogs in my reader).
A Version Of The Nigerian Scam IN PERSON
Every now and then I like to read the crime reports in our local newspapers. This one caught my attention. Something doesn’t sound quite right. The fact that the “victim” had $25,000 in cash and $12,000 in diamonds to lose tells me something is fishy. I especially like the part at the end where the victim falls for the old, “We just need to get
ClearWire Isn’t So Clear On Their Pricing
Lately I’ve been seeing advertisements for Clearwire. Clearwire is a new broadband wireless service that people can get as an alternative to DSL or Cable and it is portable within Clearwire’s service area. It actually sounds really cool. It’s definitely a viable solution for many people that are outside the reach of standard broadband services but I can’t tell you whether it’s a good deal