I’ve often found myself trying to decide whether to buy a cheap item that might not last very long or spend a little more and get what I perceive to be better quality. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve purchased over the years that were at the bottom of the price/quality scale. Some of those items have quickly found themselves in the garbage can
Cosigning A Loan
I remember back when I was 18 years old. I was convinced I wanted to buy a nice car that required a car loan. The only problem with my idea was that I was 18 and had no credit (and really shouldn’t have been buying a car at the time). Since I knew no reputable bank would give me a loan for a car unless
Taking A Different Path
Lately, as my job has been really stressful and I’m frankly not all that happy with it, I’ve been thinking about throwing in the towel and moving out to the lake house once it’s done. (My wife would love to do this) In a sense, we’d be checking out of the rat race we are in to find new opportunities and a slower pace. Of
Net Worth Update
It’s already been a very busy spring and summer for us here. We’ve got lots of things going on although the lake house is definitely taking most of our time. Our net worth has continued increasing at a relatively good pace. While I’m not posting too many specifics anymore I still like to list some of the more general percentages. Overall annual increase: 33% Month
Painted More Trim This Morning
I painted a bit more trim this morning while it was still cool outside. We are waiting around for the electrical inspector and then once that is done, we’ll be heading out. Here’s a shot of the front:
Work Continues On the Lake House
I know I said I was going to try and do some blogging out here at the lake but it hasn’t worked out too well. The fact of the matter is, I’ve been busy. Since last Thursday we have: Leveled the ground with a trackhoe (around the house) Finished the gravel driveway and culvert Finished wiring the cabin Had our electrical inspection Fixed the garage
Let The Money Hemorrhaging Begin
We’ve had a relatively quiet couple months when it comes to spending money. Yeah, we went to Disneyland but that was generously covered by my aunt. Basically, our lake house project has been at a standstill while other priorities were addressed. (namely, getting my mother’s house rebuilt from the fire). Anyway, I’m heading out to start some work on it tomorrow. I plan to spend
Have You Heard Of Credit Triggers?
I’m not sure if this is really true or not, but it appears to be. Check out this article about credit triggers. It’s on a political site but I also found information on NPR about it. (You can find those links in the first article). Basically Experian can sell your information to creditors that allow them to keep track of your credit activities in real
What Is Your Company Paying You For?
Madame X over at Openwallet asked the question, “What is your company paying you for?” It’s funny to read her answer to the question and realize that we are probably exactly 180 degrees from each other on the Meyers Brigg type test. I took a similar test (Called Insights) and was a big fat yellow. Being a yellow means that I crave the social interaction
Where Does Your Tax Money Go? – A Visual Representation
Here’s a really neat poster that shows our government budget. You can click “shift” to zoom in and also use the drop down to choose a particular agency. I actually wouldn’t mind having one of these posters, although I’m probably too cheap to spend $28.95 on it.