I know this is probably starting to sound repetitious but we spent the weekend out at the lake working on the house. We were able to complete the siding over the deck (cedar peak) which I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. We also got the heat pump delivered and I wired it in. In the next couple weeks we’ll have the company
I’m back out working on the cabin. I decided to take a couple days off this week since the weather is so nice. I’ve got a few things lined up to get completed on the cabin. I’ve asked the heating company to come out tomorrow and finish the install of the heat pump and fire the system up. I have run the wiring out for
Breaking News?
This has nothing to do with personal finance but I found it somewhat pathetic: We have troops deployed in many hostile areas. Our national debt is skyrocketing. Politicians are all maneuvering for election day. There are a million different things that actually matter to our country and our world going on right now and CNN breaks with this? I’m so disappointed that this is what our
I Wonder What The Rest Of The World Thinks
Yeah, I know. You aren’t supposed to care what other people think. When I see pictures like the one below though, I often wonder what the rest of the world must think. Looks like Materialism at it’s finest. Bling bling! I can only imagine how much those wheels and tires cost. They probably cost more than the whole car is worth. But, if they bought
Qwest Does The Right Thing
On December 15, 2007 my parents had a fire at their home. The fire gutted the garage/shop and smoked the inside of their house. Days after the fire, my mother called the various utilities to stop them while they waited to rebuild and clean their house. They knew it would be months before they would be able to get back in their house and didn’t
Amazing Vizualization Of Consumerism
When I saw these images of various consumer products that are vizualized in their various quantities I was struck with how much waste we have in this country. 426,000 cel phones are retired every day. http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/11rtn.php http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/12rtn.php 11,000 jet trails are produced in this country every 8 hours http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/ http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/02rtn.php 106,000 aluminum cans are used in the US every 30 SECONDS! http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/05rtn.php http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/galleries/running_the_numbers/06rtn.php 60,000 plastic
How Free Is My Computer?
A lot of people talk about open source and point out that it’s the holy grail of software. I love open source software just as much as the next guy but I also like Windows. I’ve used Linux in the past (an old Redhat version and the more recent Ubuntu) but I could never bring myself to use it exclusively. Like many others, I found
No Cash and Need New Wheels For Your Car? – Rent and Roll
In my never ending quest to find examples of people selling you what you don’t need, I’ve come across Rent and Roll. In this case, if you don’t have the cash but need to get some nice “bling” for your car, you’re in luck. With Rent and Roll you can rent the nice shiny expensive wheels for your car with their “rent to own” program. What
Fake ATM Receipts To Impress Your Friends
Just when I thought I had heard everything, along comes this company that will sell you 52 fake ATM receipts that they’ll put any dollar figures you want on. I’m sure that this is just a good prank for many people, but you know there are some people out there that will actually buy these in an attempt to be something they are not. It’s
Personal Finance – Finding the Sweet Spot
My brother in law and I had a good conversation about money today while we were all visiting at my mom’s house. For those few readers that have been reading ELYM for awhile, you’ll remember that my mom and dad had a massive fire at their house back in December and then my father passed away two weeks later (from a heart attack). Anyway, my