A lot of people dread shopping with kids. I remember the many trips to the store with my mom like it was yesterday. I loved to visit the toy and candy aisle. It didn’t even matter what kind of store it was. If there were toys or candy in the building, I’d find them. As our daughter has gotten old enough to really desire things,
Who Needs Credit Cards When You Have Pink Panties
Crazy: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,316580,00.html I was going to make some wise crack like, “Well, at least they are telling them that you shouldn’t always use credit cards” but I don’t think that would be appropriate either……. Not sure who the rocket scientist was that thought up this line of underwear for young girls. Not exactly the best idea. I’m now going to end this post so that
McDonalds Fining Drive Thru Customers in the UK?
Every time I read a story that surprises me, the first thing I think is, “I wonder if this is another fake internet news story”. The fact that it’s in the Guardian makes me think it might be legit. Anyway, the story goes that if you use the drive thru at McDonalds at some UK locations and stay longer than 45 minutes, you could be
Not Making Left Hand Turns From Now On
In an effort to save money, my wife and I will no longer be making left turns. We will now create a map ahead of every trip to minimize the amount of gas we use and the wear and tear on our car. Okay, maybe it won’t work for us, but it sure did for UPS: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/09/magazine/09left-handturn.html
Why Do You Bank Where You Do?
Here’s a post worth reading: http://www.johnbatdorf.net/blog/WhyDoYouBankWhereYouDo.aspx John asks the question, Why do you bank where you do? Great question. I wonder what percentage of the people out there would answer, “just because”? I’m with John 110%. I will only go to a credit union. Why take my money to a place that is trying to make a profit off of me? Of course there are
Tis The Season….. For Holiday Stress
Ahhh. The Christmas season. That special time of year when we all run around like chickens with our heads cut off to find the perfect gifts for our family and friends. My wife and I spent the weekend trying to do as much of our Christmas shopping as possible. I am happy to report that we just about finished all the gift buying. The majority
Bubble 2.0
I saw this video over on Scott Hanselman’s site. I found it rather humorous.
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
It has been a long time. Too long really. It was over 1 year ago that we embarked on this project to build a lake house. While we purchased a structure that was basically all the wood framing, there was still a lot to do to complete the place. In a year we have: Framed up the deck and built the roof over the deck
Expect Less – Be Happier
It seemed like an appropriate time of year to discuss materialism and how it is, or isn’t tied to your overall happiness. In the last few decades, it appears that everyone has slowly increased their consumption and developed some expectations about what Christmas means. The more presents you get, the happier you perceive you will be. The bigger the gift, the better. Because you have
Finally…… A Reason To Love Black Friday
I don\’t like shopping. I don\’t like sales. I hate the consumer driven holidays and I absolutely hate shopping on Black Friday. I\’d rather go skinny dipping in the frigid waters of Antarctica. (And I hate swimming). So, today was going to be a day like any other Friday. We were going to head out to the lake house to do some work on it