I stumbled on to an interesting article about the underground economy. This article basically summarizes a book called, “Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor”. Here is a quote from the article: “On that one residential block, Venkatesh focuses on three women: Bird, a prostitute; Eunice, an office cleaner who sells home-cooked meals on the side; and Marlene, a nanny who is president
Cadillac Escalade Golf Cart
Hmmmm. At what point have we reached pure and utter excess in society when people start buying $13,000 Cadillac Escalade golf carts. I don’t know about you, but I’d be horrendously embarrassed to drive this around the golf course. Then again, since I golf at public PAR 3 courses, it would seem even more ridiculous!
Self Directed Investors Do Better than Financial Advisers?
Well, this is a very interesting article. 10 years of research point to the fact that a self directed investor is probably going to outperform a financial adviser. There are a few reasons for this, but I won’t spoil the article for you. I highly recommend you check this one out: I have often fretted about whether I should go seek out a financial
Home Sick Today
I’m home sick today. Both my daughter and I are sick so we are just going to take it easy today. She is getting to watch more TV than we normally let her watch, but she is such a good sport about not feeling well, that we think it’s okay. On a slightly related note, it occurred to me that she isn’t getting a lot
Links to Love
http://money.cnn.com/2006/12/06/real_estate/mortgage_apps Mortgage applications rise as rates tumble. I’m hoping for rates to continue their trend down. My theory is that this might stabilize home prices for awhile. I’ve read a lot of articles that point out the trickle down effect of lackluster home sales. With fewer people buying homes, that also translates in to less consumer spending on all the items that a new homeowner
What Does a Homeless Man do With $100,000?
Last week I saw a preview of an upcoming Oprah show about what happens to people when they experience a financial windfall. As most people that read PF blogs would guess, it doesn’t usually turn out too well. I finally got a chance to watch the Oprah show that I had Tivo’d last week and found it pretty interesting. First there was a lady that
ELYM’s TOP Money Saving Idea of 2006
You can thank me later for pointing you to this article that just screams “resourceful”. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see if I can find some filet mignon behind my grocery store. http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/nation/1…
Winning the Money Marathon in 26.2 Steps
Becoming financially fit can be challenging. But consider this: Marathoners get up early on the weekends and run multiple miles, sometimes in the rain, skipping the breakfast buffet and Bloody Marys. Makes reaching financial fitness sound totally doable, doesn’t it? So in honor of the Seattle Marathon today, we offer 26.2 tips that work well both for running and personal finance See the whole article
Sometimes It’s Just Easier to Get a Job!
Seems like it would be a lot easier to just get a job, earn a little money and then go in and buy whatever he was going after to steal. Nothing in that store could have been too expensive for a minimum wage earner……… I highly recommend watching it all the way through. Man I miss being a cop sometimes!
Carnival Of Personal Finance #75
Everybody Loves Your Money: Your Personal Finance Article Dealer Thanks for coming by “ELYM’s Used PF Article Dealership“. Has anyone helped you yet? Can I show you around the carnival? Are you looking to check out an article today, or are you just browsing? Well, Let me just say, you’ve obviously got good taste in personal finance articles. Just you coming by today tells me