I, like everyone else in the country (or at least it should be everyone else in the country), am doing my taxes now. I have been dreading doing my taxes because I pretty much knew I’d be on the hook to pay in this year. Well, I was right. After running all of the calculations it comes down to a balance of a little over
Happy Valentine’s Day
Yes, it’s another day of the year that was created with the sole intention of getting in your wallet. All over the country today people will be busily rushing from store to store looking for that perfect gift for the one they love. Chocolate, cards, stuffed animals, yep they all help tell the one you love how important they are to you…… unless you live
A Few Links I Found Interesting
Here’s an article from the “What were you thinking”? department: http://cbs5.com/local/auto.loan.defaults.2.645976.html Vivian Snyder bought a $100,000 BMW convertible with only $2500 per month in disability income. Somehow her income got stated as $8600 per month so that she would qualify for the lease. She definitely bears most of the responsibility for putting her entire retirement savings in the pot as her down payment and also
My Wallet Is Not Too Happy
I, like many other people in the US, got a new insurance card on January 1st. Back in the November/December time frame I had to choose a new health plan as my company continues to tweak their offerings to try to hold costs down. I moved to the plan that didn’t require any monthly payments and from what I could see seemed to be the
Gadget Euphoria
Ahhh. Life is good. You know how I’ve talked about my fetish for electronics? Well, there is really no way around it. I love gadgets. I wish I could buy every new gadget that comes out but we all know that isn’t possible or even remotely intelligent. So, why is life good? My company bought me a new cel phone. It’s a million times sexier
One Of My Favorite Times Of Year
I think I’ve mentioned this in the past, but the first quarter of the year is one of my favorite times of year, simply for the financial benefits. In the first quarter of the year I get: -My annual bonus -My annual raise -Our tax return From a financial point of view, it’s usually pretty good. I found out today that everyone gets a bonus
At What Point Do We Have To Lie In Our Bed?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the proposed tax rebate that our fearless leaders in Washington have been working on. Is this really a good thing for our economy/country? Everything I’ve been reading says that the benefit is negotiable at best. I’ve read articles that say that many of the people receiving the rebates would simply save it. That doesn’t
Blew A Little Money Today
I finally found one. A WII, that is. I’ve been wanting to buy a Nintendo WII for quite awhile but haven’t been able to find one. Today I went to a grand opening of a Fred Meyer store and got there just in time to get the last one. I hadn’t intended on going there but heard they were having a grand opening while I
You Should Really Read This Article: Simplicity
http://thinksimplenow.com/clarity/the-simple-life What can I say? This article nails it. I think about this often. Instead of trying to always have the latest and greatest, I know I need to focus on appreciating what I do have. Once you acquire something, you then have to care and feed it. It takes up space, you want to protect it, you begin to put your valuable time towards
Keep A Sharp Eye Out For Deals
Last night my wife, daughter and I headed out to Costco to buy a queen size bed for the lake house. We didn’t do any comparison shopping to find the best deal on the bed because we previously needed a queen size bed (for the house) and found Costco to have the best price for the quality mattress they are selling. When we got there