For all of those people (not unlike me) that are saving, saving, saving for retirement and always thinking about that magical day that you can retire……. Don’t forget to dance to the music along the way. (see video below)
Making Hard Economic Choices in Tough Times
I don’t know if you saw this article on CNN but it highlights Kent and Mysti Cope. They both worked for New Century Financial, which was the number 2 subprime lender in the country. They have both lost their jobs and have realized they have to make some tough sacrifices. Sacrifice number 1: Trade in the Corvette for a Suburban. Huh? Wow, talk about really
Video: What Might Happen If the Dollar Collapses?
I was perusing the internet and came across this video and found it very interesting, as well as a little scary: After you watch the video, take a little time and read through some of the comments on the BoingBoing page. I was quite surprised at the intelligence in the comments. (Sure, there are a few moronic ones there too). I can’t see how
Caution: Expensive Wedding Trip Ahead
It’s that time of year when people start planning out their summer vacations and begin booking all their weekends. One of the things we have coming up is a wedding to attend in July. We live in Seattle and the wedding is in central Montana. It’s one of my last cousins to get married and we really want to go to see her get married
Our Honda Is Testing Our Commitment
If you are a long time reader of ELYM, you know that I’ve gone through a bit of a transformation, or enlightenment. For my entire adult life I have drooled at and spent way too much money on cars. If I had a nickel for every new car I’d bought, I’d have….. well, I’d have more than a quarter. As a college student I owned
Why Do I Feel Anxiety About Our Finances?
It must be something in the air, or perhaps it has something to do with all the doom and gloom stories about our economy, the price of oil, the failing housing market, the falling market. I don’t know, maybe I’m just crazy, but I’ve found myself thinking a lot more about doomsday scenarios when it comes to our finances. I’m going to be starting in
It Has Been A Long Ride………
Well, I’m happy to report that after nearly 1.5 years worth of weekends, our lake house just had it’s final inspection and we PASSED! No more inspectors and we can move in now. I can’t even begin to tell you how much of a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. No more deadlines, no more possible hiccups. When we embarked on this project
So Long Itunes – Or, How I Diversified My Music Expenditures
It seems like yesterday. There you were, two years ago, flashing your bits at me. How could I resist? Legal music downloads? And only 99 cents? My god, you were sexy. What better place to put my new legit music than on a tastefully created Ipod. That is, of course, when I wasn’t listening to this new legit music on my PC with the large
Blogging From The Trenches – Errr Swimming Pool
My daughter has been in swim lessons for a few weeks. Normally the routine is that my wife and daughter carpool with the neighbors (who have a daughter the same age) and I sit at home taking up space on the couch or surfing the web. For the last couple lessons, the neighbors were out of town and I didn’t want my wife to have
Will Healthcare Always Be the Retirement Spoiler?
I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on, you’d have to be completely under a rock and out of touch with the world not to realize we have some serious issues with our healthcare system. I find myself wondering what it’s going to take to make some forward progress on this issue. From my point of view, I’m a financially savvy,