I stumbled on to this interesting site today. Basically it’s a site that asks for anonymous information about how much you make at your company and then posts it anonymously for all the other members to see. It’s sort of like NetworthIQ but for salaries instead of net worth. I haven’t actually signed up for it yet, but I’m thinking about it. If they have
Simple Financial Concepts Helped My Friend Retire Early
Today I went to lunch with a couple friends of mine. One is someone that I currently work with and the other is someone that I worked with for a few years until he retired last year. I’m only 36 but by talking to my friend, I could just tell I’m going to really love retirement. My goal is to get there at 50. My
Somebody Slap Me – The Savings Rate is Going Up!
I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. Amazingly the US savings rate has gone from negative .1% to a positive .7%. Okay so it’s not even a 1% savings rate, but seeing a reversal in the number is quite interesting. I remember last year we were all blogging about the fact that it had hit a negative number. Many of us just shook
Selling It All To Pay The Bills
I’m sure this won’t be the last article like this. People are selling all kinds of things to cover their monthly bills. From Jewelry to Harleys it’s all got to go. No one is exempt from this as even people who thought of themselves as “wealthy” now find themselves selling their high ticket items to keep their homes or pay for basic necessities. I guess
Local Real Estate Drama
Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to lately has a story about someone they know who is flailing their arms trying to keep their head above water. Nowhere is it easier to see than in the real estate market in your area. I’ve been watching real estate pretty closely around our area because I find it very interesting. About 2 years ago they built an upscale
Porn, Wealth And Burning Through $60M
I stumbled on to this article about Greg Lasrado. He started an internet porn business when he was young and in college. At one point he had 100,000 people worldwide paying a monthly fee to access the porn sites he ran. He bought houses, many nice cars, traveled all over the world and even held $100,000 parties in Las Vegas. He was on top of
I Have Gas Pains!
So gas is getting rather expensive. I just paid $3.70 per gallon. Yeah, I know, it could be worse. People in other parts of the world are probably laughing their asses off at us Americans complaining about gas prices. That doesn’t change the fact that we’ve built our economy and way of life on the assumption that gas prices would be low indefinitely. Well, apparently
A View of Barack Obama’s Personal Finances
I found this article on Slate pretty interesting. It reviews all of the Obama finances and shows that they are doing pretty well by yours or my standards but are much more humble than the other two presidential candidates. Their holdings are pretty conservative but if I had that level of income, I think I’d probably play it pretty safe too. Anyway, it’s pretty interesting
Trying To Use A Little Self Control
I have to confess something. Lately my self control has been out the window. I’ve been spending too much on things I don’t really need. I have been eating more than I should and am 20 pounds overweight. And you know something that’s just crazy? I’ve found myself having some anxiety about money and my weight. You’d think the anxiety would drive better behavior but
Lowered Our Rate With A Phone Call
When we purchased our lake house, we used a little bit of money from our home equity line of credit. We had never used the line of credit but had it sitting there in case we had an emergency, or a good opportunity. When we got the loan, we locked the rate at 7.49% because we didn’t want to have the fluctuating risk. Of course