Okay, now this just pisses me off: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5973452&page=1 I hope it’s not true, but I suspect that it is. $440,000 retreat? Incredible.
Posts From Around the PF Blogosphere
NCN over at No Credit Needed found a site that calculates the cost to drive your vehicle. Being a car lover like I am, I’m always curious about the price of particular trips. Normally I use the IRS figure to calculate my real cost to drive somewhere. This site seems to just use the gas price. JD at Get Rich Slowly continues his tradition of
How Much Should We Have In Our Emergency Fund?
I have to confess something. We’ve been running with a dangerously low emergency fund balance for quite some time. It all stems from building the lake house and all the costs associated with doing that. We have finally caught up with everything from construction and are working hard to start building our emergency fund back up. How bad is it? Well, we are currently running
A Process Called "Trash Out"
Wow. That’s about all I can say when I watch this video. Boston Gal has a video on her site of a home being "trashed out" in California. Trash out is when a company comes in and removes all of the stuff that was left when a family has to leave their home due to foreclosure. I was shocked to see what people left behind.
House Passes Bailout Bill
It’s done: http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/03/news/economy/house_friday_bailout/index.htm?postversion=2008100309 All it took was to add an additional $100+ billion in pork to the bill to get a bunch of additional votes. My 5 year old thanks you lobbyists!!! Now all we need is for the baboon to sign it in to law. Maybe he’ll get confused and accidentally veto it.
Today’s The Day We Rescue The Idiots
Okay, I know. That’s a little harsh. I’m trying very hard not to be bitter about having to spend upwards of $1 trillion dollars to rescue our economy. As hard as I try not to be a little bitter about it, I’m not having a lot of luck. Maybe it’s because I’m not confident that this "rescue" will really save anything. Regardless of whether they
Duck Tales: Inflation Lesson
Luckily I Cashed Out My Investments Last Week For A Lower Risk Opportunity Outside the Country
It’s days like this that I can’t help but walk around the house smiling from ear to ear. Why? You may ask. Well, it just so happens that I recently cashed out over $100,000 in investments to use for an alternative investment. Let me explain. A couple weeks ago I got an email from a nice man in Nigeria. He found himself in quite a
Raising a Financially Savvy Child
My wife, daughter and I were sitting at the breakfast table this morning when my daughter, who’s 5, randomly told my wife, "There are a lot of advertisements that are just trying to take our money." Over the last year or so when we are reading the paper and looking at advertisements I’ve tried to make a point to our daughter that sometimes you can
It’s Hard To Ignore The Wall Street Mess
I have to admit I’m spending a lot of time reading the latest news about the potential bailout on Wall Street. The latest is that they are considering adding executive compensation caps to the proposal. I still haven’t read anything about limiting the power and scope that this proposal would give to the executive branch. The two things that bother me most about this potential