The pull to spend money never ceases. As concerned as I am about the overall economy, you’d think I’d be sitting in my home letting the cash pile up from cracking down on our spending. It’s just not that easy. I’ve been conditioned over a long period of time to crave things. What kind of things? The standard stuff. I’d love to buy a new
I Finally Signed Up For Mint
I’ve been sitting on the sideline when it comes to signing up for an online tool that allows me to get a consolidated view of all my investment and bank accounts. The main reason is that I didn’t want to offer up my account logins for fear of creating extra drama in my life. I finally bit the bullet yesterday and am somewhat surprised at
2006 Banker Video Describing the Current Crisis
This is pretty interesting to watch. Peter Schiff gave this at a mortgage bankers conference in Las Vegas. The funny thing is that everything he says is pretty darned basic. Well worth watching: A couple interesting points: It was easier to get a house than it was to rent because the landlords actually checked your credit and income for a rental Home prices have traditionally
Where Should You Put Your Money in a Depression?
Okay, so the title is probably a little bit inflammatory. I’ve heard more than a few people talking about what they should do with their money during an economic downturn. Of course there probably isn’t any one answer to this depending on your circumstances but I am doing a couple things to give myself some peace of mind. Step 1: We keep about $1000 in
It’s Not Really Frugal – It’s Just A Way Of Life
I’ve mentioned before how much I like the "deal". For me, the "deal" is anything that I can do to get a better price on something. I absolutely hate paying retail for something. When I do have to pay retail for something I find myself feeling a bit of dread as I pay the cashier. Whether I’m at the department store buying new clothes, or
The End of America?
Here’s an interesting article that talks a bit about the current financial state of America but also looks at the ongoing strategy of spreading capitalism around the world. I have to agree with this guy. I think it’s time we all look inward both at a personal level, by living below our means, and as a country by starting to look inward to increase domestic
A Valuable Lesson on Keeping a Percentage of Your Investments in Cash
From the beginning of my investment career I have always thought that if you weren’t in stock with all your money then you were probably missing out on some returns. That was especially true as I watched the dot com era and then the latest run up in stock prices. While I did keep most of my investments in index funds, I have always had
I Just Won 1 Million Euros
I’ll tell you. My luck has been GREAT lately. First I managed to take all my investments out of the market before it crashed and sent it to Nigeria in order to receive a huge cash payout. (still pending) and now it turns out my email address has been selected for a 1 million Euro prize. That’s a lot of US dollars!!! Here’s the note:
Spending Money Gets You Respect?
I was watching a show called "Airline" recently and watched as two passengers were refused entrance on to their flight. They had been drinking too much and were somewhat drunk and belligerent. The younger of the two people started saying he wanted his money back and was directed to the ticket counter to receive it. On the way, he made all kinds of drunken comments
AIG Execs Head to Resort After Bailout
Okay, now this just pisses me off: I hope it’s not true, but I suspect that it is. $440,000 retreat? Incredible.