How could I not post about this article? I found myself feeling less than sympathetic for Ken Karpman. If ever there was a poster child for why you need to have emergency savings and a fall back plan, Ken Karpman is it. Ken was making $750,000 a year when times were good. He has now been reduced to delivering pizzas and his marriage is stumbling.
Scenes From the Recession
The Boston Globe has an outstanding feature called “The Big Picture”. I subscribe to the RSS feed for it and am continually impressed with the amazing images that they show there. Today’s feature is called, “Scenes From the Recession” and shows various images from around the world that are related to the current economic downturn. Take a look, I think you’ll really enjoy it:
I’m Not a Bailout Fan
Okay. I’ve had it with the bailouts. My new personal position is that we scrap the bailouts and let things fail. Once enough has failed and the losers leave the market, we can begin to rebuild without the trillions in national debt. The latest news is that AIG has paid out over $170 million in bonuses and it was also revealed who some of the
My Self Control is Running Low – Almost Bought Something BIG
If you’ve been reading all the personal finance sites on the Internet you know that it’s important to sweat the small stuff when it comes to keeping your spending in check but it’s REALLY critical to sweat the big stuff. We’ve been doing a great job of keeping our expenses low (saving 52% of our income now) by watching what we spend our money on
Have You Considered Donating to a Food Bank?
If you are still employed you may find yourself quite comfortable eating whatever happens to suit your fancy each day. Maybe it’s steak, or maybe you’re just fine with Top Ramen or mac and cheese. The good news is that you have a choice on what you eat every day. Unfortunately more and more people don’t have that choice. They open their cupboards and there
Cheap, Healthy Breakfast Option in March ($1 Oatmeal at Jamba Juice)
Jamba Juice has decided to get in to the breakfast food game and is offering $1 bowls of oatmeal in March. All you need to do is print out this coupon!
The Wisdom of Great Investors
JD over at Get Rich Slowly points to a great resource over at Dave Ramsey’s website. It’s a short PDF file that reinforces that the best course of action during economic certainty is to NOT PANIC and manage your emotions. I’ve always enjoyed Warren Buffet’s phrase, “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearfulâ€. I think it’s a great phrase
Where Art Thou, Hot Housekeeper?
For the past year or so when I was working at home I would just happen to glance out my office window at just the right time to see the gorgeous blonde house cleaner arrive across the street. After a few months of this, I happened to notice that she normally showed up on Wednesdays and I’d guess she comes every two weeks. It became
Should You Save During an Economic Downturn?
I’ve been reading a lot about all the possible gloom and doom that can be realized when the majority of citizens start saving more. While no one disagrees that saving is good, we’re starting to hear from more and more "experts" that saving is really best done during economic boom times. It turns out that saving during an economic downturn only makes things worse. Unfortunately,
Facing Foreclosure? Make the Lender Produce the Original Mortgage
Here’s an interesting twist on the home foreclosure front. People around the country are having success in getting additional time to avoid foreclosure by requesting that the lender produce the original mortgage documents to prove that they have responsibility for the mortgage and have a right to foreclose on the property. It’s no secret that I’m not super duper sympathetic for many of the people