Last night I found myself wanting to test out some software. I’ve been playing around with various DJ software. Most of the versions that I’ve downloaded are demos and I really didn’t want to fill up my Vista machine with a bunch of junky software. The solution for this was to download Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. It WORKS GREAT! If you aren’t familiar with virtual
What Do People Spend Their Money On?
This isn’t very surprising to me but it’s definitely interesting to look at. People in the US spend more of their discretionary income than anyone. This is well worth looking at. You can definitely deduce one thing from the recreation chart. People in other countries tend to focus on experiences more than they focus on physical items. Sure, the US also spends a lot on
Impulse Shopping From The Comfort Of My Home
Wow. Yesterday was a busy day. No, it wasn’t too bad at work and I didn’t have much to do around the house, but I sure was busy looking at all the things I could blow my money on. I don’t know why, but I had an incredible urge to spend money yesterday. I started by looking at Dell’s new 9" mini laptop. Wow, that
Real Estate Takes A Nasty Turn In Our Neighborhood
It’s a crazy, crazy world these days. Last night my daughter had her kindergarten orientation at the elementary school near our house. Yes, it was a milestone that came way too fast for us. It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since we were blessed with our wonderful daughter. Anyway, I was walking down the hall of the school when I recognized some neighbors
Resources for Medical Bills You Can’t Afford
CNN has an article that talks about some of your options when you are hit with medical bills that you can’t afford. It’s definitely worth reading. Just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation. If you don’t have insurance, it’s even more important to read this article. It’s amazing what you can get when you simply ask!
Carnival Of Personal Finance #167 Is Up
You can see the latest carnival at Broke Grad Student:
Update on the Weight Loss Challenge
It’s week four of the weight loss contest. If you recall, I’m having somewhat of a contest with my brother in law where we set a target to lose 17 pounds each at the rate of a pound a week. If either of us weighs more than we did the previous week, we have to pay the other person $10. At the end of the
"Found Money" Posting on Craigslist
I’ve been reading Rob Cockerham’s website for a long time. He’s done some pretty funny things over the years. If you’ve never spent any time surfing around his site, I’d highly recommend it. His latest "project" had him posting a "found money" listing on Craigslist. He was curious to see what kind of a response he’d get. He’s convinced one group was trying to pull
What Are My Options For Retirement?
Over and over I read about various people’s plans for creating retirement income. You know the one thing that they have in common? They all have different approaches. There is no “one size fits all” approach to retirement out there. Many of us do not know what will happen after retirement, we may be fine financially, but illness can occur and the need for a philadelphia home
Buying Real Estate In Another State
When I was younger I used to think that the best thing I could do would be to buy a second home in Arizona. Why? Because some day I want to live there in the winter (aka: Be a Snowbird). I was convinced that a key strategy to my investing and saving for the future was to lock in a low price on a place