I’ve always been a decent “saver” when compared to most people. I’ve diligently saved in my 401K and have tried to save in other places as well. I always considered saving to be a responsible thing to do and it gave me peace of mind when I was worried about my employment, or other instabilities in our lives. As a 37 year old, this current
Woman Has All the Answers at Her City Council Meeting
This video cracked me up. It’s a woman who has taken a couple minutes out of, what I can only assume, is an action packed day of business meetings, to come tell the Santa Cruz city council how they can solve all their economic problems. Brilliant: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
We Finally Had a New Roof Put on the House
Money has been really flowing out the door lately at our house. While there have been lots of little expenditures like new cel phones (yes, I bought the Iphone 3 GS), we also had the expense of putting a new roof on the house. A few of our neighbors have already had new roofs put on their houses and have been paying anywhere from $15,000
Religious Leaders Living Large
I just read an article about David Cerullo. David is the head of the Inspiration Networks religious organization. They have nearly $100 million in annual revenues, mostly from donations by their followers. The church preaches that people who donate are more favored by God. Unfortunately the ministry is hitting hard times and has had to lay people off, turn down the heat and cut costs
Mint’s Descent in to Credit Card Hell
I stumbled on to Mint’s infographic about all the pitfalls of credit cards. I especially like how they compare it to falling down a very deep ravine until you hit fire at the bottom. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth checking out: http://www.mint.com/blog/finance-core/the-descent-into-credit-card-debt/
Are You a Millionaire or a Debtonaire?
Sorry for the lack of posts over the last week or so. I just got back from a business trip in Southern California. I spent a week down there working 11 hour days locked up in a conference room. The days were long but rewarding. As it happened, the conference room we were using all week was the executive board room. I’m far from an
The Neverending Battle of Leaking Money
These days it seems like everything costs “Just $10 a month”. You can have a subscription to just about anything these days. While $10 a month doesn’t seem like much, over time it really adds up. When you add up all the little costs each month and then multiply that times 12, it can be significant. I don’t think a lot of people realize how
It’s Drafty in Our Debit Account
A few years ago (at least 5) I set up four accounts at my credit union. One account is my main checking account, one is a debit card account and two of the accounts are savings accounts. One savings account is tied to our main checking account and one is tied to our debit account. You may be wondering why we have separate checking and
Buy the Freezer or Don’t Buy the Freezer? That is the Question
For the last couple months I’ve been dealing with indecision on whether I should buy a small chest freezer for the garage. The only freezer that we have is the small space that our main fridge in the kitchen has devoted to freezing our food. We’ve been able to get by with this amount of freezer space for the last 6 years that we’ve lived
Credit Card Deadbeat Customers About to Get Hit
There is an interesting article in the New York Times this morning about the recent moves to control the exorbitant fees that credit card companies charge their customers. While this is probably the right thing to do it does have some ramifications for someone like me. I’m what’s termed a Deadbeat. I use my credit card but I ALWAYS pay the balance off at the