This week is a really tough week at work. People at all levels of the company are getting laid off so there is a lot of “staring at the ground†going on as people deal with the prospect of losing their income. While this has happened many times before at my large company, it’s hitting closer to home than it ever has before. I’m seeing
Skype is Going to be Available on Verizon Smart Phones
There’s a storm brewing that’s going to rain on Verizon and give you unlimited amounts of sunshine. Skype is now going to be available on a number of Verizon’s smart phones. This is good news for consumers like us. Whether the wireless carriers like it or not, the momentum is shifting in our favor. I think our wireless experience is going to come down to
Heather Mills Manages to Spend Divorce Settlement in Record Time
According to multiple outlets, Heather Mills, ex-wife of Paul McCartney, has managed to burn through $54.5 million dollars in less than two years. Heather received the funds in her divorce from McCartney in 2008. Heather claims that plenty of the money was given to charities or “ethical businesses†and she also paid for a couple properties for her daughter. Just to put this in perspective.
Yet Another Reason to Choose a Credit Union
Yahoo has an article up that shows how much customer misery there is out there with the big banks. Check out these stats: The report, Forrester’s annual Customer Advocacy rankings, ranks nearly 50 financial services firms in the United States by the percentage of each firm’s customers who agree with the statement: "My financial provider does what’s best for me, not just its own bottom
Signs of a Homeowner’s Lost Dream
Today I was browsing through the homes for sale in my general area (after work) and came upon a really nice looking place that is exactly the kind of property I’ve always wanted. It was relatively close to the city but had a very definite “country†feel to it. The house sits on about 1 acre of land, is about 3600 square feet (way too
Millionaire Gives Away All His Money to Feel Better
Karl Rabeder has decided that all of his money is making him miserable. Here is an excerpt from the article: The tipping point came while he was on a three-week holiday with his wife to islands of Hawaii. "It was the biggest shock in my life, when I realised how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is," he said. "In those three
Subscribing to “Slickdeals” RSS Feed
I just recently added the website “Slickdeals” to my RSS reader. This site is basically a hub for deals on everything from computers and electronics to household goods and clothing. What got me to subscribe in the first place is that they’ve had some really good deals on things like Xbox’s, laptops and TV’s. I almost felt like I might be missing out if I
Free Burger and Fries at Denny’s
If you are craving a burger and fries from Denny’s (Not sure if that’s possible), you can get a free burger and fries if you are one of the first 500,000 people to sign up for their Rewards program. You’ll also be entered for a chance to win 52 free Grand Slams. From what I hear, the lines at Denny’s were crazy today. I know
Commercial Real Estate – Observations from Our Weekend Drive
I’ve read more than a couple articles predicting gloom and doom for the commercial real estate industry. Many are concerned with an impending collapse of the commercial real estate market and what that is going to do to the many banks that have billions in loans supporting it. Not being an expert on anything related to the subject, all I could do was ponder whether
Friends Are Finally Back at Work – Let the Spending Begin
We have some friends that have been really scraping by because one of them lost their job almost a year ago. Well, they are both finally working again and you can sure tell the pressure is off. After being back at work for only 3 days, they’ve gone out and bought a big screen television. Apparently all their fears and worries about how they were