I keep seeing that question around the Interwebs. It seems there’s a full scale assault on getting a college education these days. While I’ve seen a number of examples where a college degree hasn’t paid off, I believe the majority of people with college degrees have benefited from them. Of course every situation is different and we all have our own experiences, so what better
The Great Depression Via Wikipedia
Have you ever read about the Great Depression on the Wikipedia site? It’s actually quite interesting. It’s incredibly hard for me not to draw comparisons to our current “Great Recession†which I think will ultimately be renamed the Second Depression, but I guess history will determine that. Anyway, what I find most interesting is that the causes and solutions for the Great Depression are very
United Nations Fund Credited My Account
Good news. It looks like the United Nations Fund just credited my email account 650,000 pounds. What luck!!! (How do you credit someone’s email account with money anyway?) Here is the email I just received: A lump sum of (£650,500.00 )have been credited to your E-mail Account.Congrats…Confirm this receipt by contacting Dr. Steve Peterson Tel: Tel:+60143457922 Email: unitedntf@aol.com Name:___ Address:___ Age:____ Sex:_____ Telephone____ Occupation:___ Country_____
Adding Healthcare Deductibles to Our Budget
Now that all the paperwork for healthcare open enrollment is starting to show up, my wife and I have had to sit down and talk about the various options we have between our two companies and how we should change our plans. The reality is that it’s looking like we won’t be changing anything for 2011. That doesn’t mean that things aren’t changing. My company
New Retirement Realities for Generations X and Y
Stacy Rapacon at Kiplinger put up a post about the realities that many of us Generation X and Y folks face in retirement. The younger you are, the more harsh the reality. In my case, being born in 1971, I know my Social Security benefits will most likely be reduced and delayed compared to what I have been expecting in the past. So far, I’m
Is Your House the Sweater House?
Every time my sister comes to visit, I can count on her being dressed in a sweater of some sort. By nature, she’s usually cold but she knows that we don’t keep the heat up too high at our house so she comes prepared. Actually, I don’t think we are very frugal when it comes to keeping the heat on during the winter. I have
Over 13 Percent of Parking Lot Attendants Have Bachelors Degrees
Fascinating. I stumbled upon a chart that Gizmodo has from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing various jobs and the percentage of people in those jobs that have college degrees. Some of the more interesting ones: 13.74% of parking lot attendants have a bachelors degree 29.80% of flight attendants have bachelors degrees 24.61% of Amusement and recreation attendants have bachelors degrees (really????) 21.62% of Customer
Is the Ipad Eating in to Laptop Sales?
I keep reading speculation that the Ipad is negatively impacting laptop sales. While I’m not an authority on the subject, I can tell you that it has definitely impacted the computer buying patterns at our house. We’ve always had multiple computers in the house. I have one in the office and my wife has a laptop that sits out on the desk in the kitchen.
Want a Free Frutista Drink from Taco Bell?
Go to the Taco Bell website, print this coupon and treat yourself to a nice cool drink:
It’s Hard to Sit Still in this Economy
I’m such a dunce. I have been spending way too much time thinking of things to spend money on these days. I’ve dealt with at least 3 bouts of car lust over the past couple months and have been thinking about home improvement projects too. Will someone please duct tape me to a chair to bring things under control? I’m sure a psychologist could help