Did I mention I like credit unions? In a breaking news development that should shock no one, a recent study found that many banks do their best to hide their fees (especially now that they are creating so many new ones) and are spending most of their time trying to convince you to open accounts without the information on fees that you should really be
Food Stamp Fraud
I just returned from the grocery store where I watched a couple in front of me buy $100 worth of groceries with an electronic food stamp card. My blood began to boil when I saw them pull away from the store in their late model Mercedes E350 with temporary plates (meaning they most likely just bought it). Unfortunately I couldn’t get the temporary plate number
Am I saving Enough to Retire With Two Million?
CNNMoney has an article up right now where a reader asks Walter Updegrave whether he’s saving enough to amass $2 million by retirement. The guy is a savings machine putting away $4000 a month and I wonder if he really wants to know the answer or whether he is showboating just a bit. I mean, if you’re saving that kind of money, I’m guessing you
If You Save Enough, You May Win a Prize
What will they think of next? In an attempt to get people to save more there is a bill working it’s way through Washington’s legislature to enter people in drawings for every $25 they save in their account. If they win, they’d receive things like an Ipod or Itunes gift cards. UGH. How about if we spend a bit more time highlighting why saving is
Dear People of the World. Have you Heard of Credit Unions?
Banks are considering capping debit card transactions at $50 to $100 per transaction due to one of the new regulations that is most likely coming from the Dodd-Frank act. The regulation will limit the fee banks can charge for debit card transactions to $.12 instead of the average fee of $.44. Banks argue they need the higher fees to help offset fraudulent losses and to
What Kind of A Raise Can I Expect in 2011?
I was thinking this year would be a pretty insignificant raise because of the economy and the general state of things. I’ve been working hard at work so I figured I’d get something but was absolutely blown away to find out I got over a 9% bump. Needless to say, I was thrilled. We won’t be spending the additional income since we really have everything
1st Quarter Finances
I love this time of year. We are just about through the worst of winter (which means spring and summer are on the way) and it’s bonus and raise time at work. On top of that, it’s tax time which usually means we get some sort of tax refund as well. This year it’s looking like I’ll be getting somewhere around a 6% raise. I
Man Forecloses on His Local Wells Fargo
Oh, you have to read this. Patrick Rodgers wasn’t getting any response from Wells Fargo when they told him he must jack up his insurance to $1 million on a house he originally paid $180K for. The premiums were unaffordable and Patrick wanted to work with the bank to come to an agreement. I won’t repeat the whole story because the Consumerist did a great
Unlimited Texting – Naaah
I was out talking to my neighbor today and the subject of texting came up. I told him that I had two numbers that he could text but that I’d prefer he sent them to a different number than he’s texted in the past. He looked at me a bit odd and then I explained, “I got my wife and I additional “Google Voice†numbers
Quote of the Day: Financial Advisor
“A good financial advisor takes your money and his experience and turns it into his money and your experience†I’ll stick with my boring index funds and self managed 401K, thanks.