Yesterday, my daughter went to the store with my wife to find a birthday present for my nephew. My daughter made sure to take her little money box with her in case she saw something that she wanted. She keeps her allowance in an old plastic mayonnaise container that we had in the cupboard. Anyway, I dropped them off and ran to another store while
Bank of America Checking Fee Rises Again
Check out this article. Bank of America is raising their checking account fee to $12 a month unless you have direct deposit set up with a minimum deposit of $250. If that won’t work for you, you can keep a minimum of at least $1500 in your account for every day of the month (which you’ll get very little interest on). My favorite part of
Lottery Winner Collecting Food Stamps
Leroy Fick from Saginaw Michigan won a $2 million lottery in 2010. While this sounds great, somehow Leroy is still receiving food stamps to help put food on his table. Why? Well, Leroy took the lump sump payout, bought a new house and a car and then invested the rest. Since his income is based on the amount of investment income he’s receiving from the
Are Tech Buy Back Programs Worth It?
NBC has an article about whether those technology buy back programs that companies like Best Buy offer are worth it. My opinion is that they are not. As the article points out, the terms are clearly stacked in their favor and you have to jump through a number of hoops to be successful. I won’t go in to the mathematics (because I’m not smart enough)
Live For Today and Plan For Tomorrow
A good friend (and neighbor) and I have been talking about our retirement strategies and plans for years. It usually consists of us standing around in the street in front of our houses comparing approaches and percentages in various accounts. Don has been a great saver for much of his life. Both he and his wife have worked during their marriage and I have found
Breaking News: Economist to Halt Production for 30 days
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the Onion?,20090/ LONDON—World-renowned news and opinion magazine The Economist announced plans to suspend any new online and print content for the next month in an effort to finally allow subscribers a chance to catch up.
Easy Way To Blow Your Money
Am I the only one that finds the latest HTC smart phones very sexy? Just one more thing that can cause us to part with our money! I better just stick to my Iphone and blow my money on the monthly service charges:
Average Net Worth By Age
I took a quick look at the CNN net worth calculator and pulled out some examples of the median net worth of various ages. I’ll list the averages for a couple different scenarios but you can certainly go use the tool and see how your specific numbers stack up. I’m going to use some pretty standard age ranges for this comparison. Under 25, 25-34, 35-44,
Interested in Buying an Investment Property
For years, I’ve watched the real estate market around my primary and secondary homes. At any one time, I can tell you what’s for sale and what the prices are. Maybe I should have been a realtor because I really enjoy watching the market. I’ve often thought about picking up an investment property to rent out so that might factor in to why I watch
Big Banks Want All Your Money!
Did I mention I like credit unions? In a breaking news development that should shock no one, a recent study found that many banks do their best to hide their fees (especially now that they are creating so many new ones) and are spending most of their time trying to convince you to open accounts without the information on fees that you should really be