Well, I can honestly tell you that being completely and utterly hacked for the first time sucks! I’ve lost a ton of data and am still working at how to retrieve the posts. I’m hoping to figure out how to export them out of my MySQL database and then import them to this new blog instance but we’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned for
Trouble with the blog
Sorry for the lack of updates. I’m having some trouble with the WordPress admin functions (pages are completely blank so I can’t do anything). I’ve been locked out for awhile and am still trying to fix it. I just found that I am able to access the admin functions via the WordPress mobile app so was able to put up this short post.
Bank of America Forecloses Even With No Missed Payments
You gotta read this. I’m so glad I use a local credit union and that they hold my mortgage. I will NEVER use a commercial, national bank. http://www.businessinsider.com/mark-conca-bank-of-america-illegal-foreclosure-2011-8
Soulja Boy Spending $55 Million on a Jet
From the, “Celebrities on the path to poor” department comes Soulja Boy. He is spending $55 Million to buy and upgrade his own private jet. I wonder if he has done the math on how much it will cost him each year to fly and maintain it. I can’t imagine that he’s making hundreds of millions of dollars these days which makes me wonder what
Netflix Changing it’s Pricing – Again
I love Netflix. It’s a key part of my cable-less strategy. We use their streaming service about 95% of the time and never seem to find the time to watch the one DVD that we have at any point. Well, Netflix is forcing us to make a change. As of Sept 1st, for existing subscribers, (and now for new customers), Netflix is increasing their plan
$100 Million in Your Savings Account
I couldn’t resist posting this. Wish this was my bank receipt (although I wouldn’t want to bank with Capital One): http://www.businessinsider.com/someone-in-the-hamptons-is-keeping-100-million-in-a-capital-one-checking-account-2011-6
Free Virtual DJ Software
I love dabbling in music and really enjoy doing some amateur DJ’ing with my friends. I was thrilled to see that Virtual DJ now has a free home version for those of us that aren’t trying to make a living DJ’ing. This software gives me the tools to make the music sound great and gives me control over how it’s played. I used to use
Living Within Your Means Fail
I couldn’t resist linking to this: Dominos Pizza Delivery Driver
Personal Finance From the Scatter Brained Media
I realized a long time ago that the various types of media companies out there really weren’t very good at helping me be financially successful. It seemed that each article I read contradicted the previous article and you could pretty much find any article to tell you anything you wanted to hear. I guess it was a long slow process that I lost confidence in
Are Daily Deal Sites a Good Deal?
I’ve been watching from the sidelines as many of my friends and family talk about the latest deals on Groupon and Living Social. I haven’t jumped on board yet and really don’t see myself becoming a consumer of the sites. My reluctance to join these sites stems from my belief that something is only a good deal if you actually need it, or REALLY want