Have you seen the 99 percent blog? Regardless of whether you think the banks are part of the problem or if each person is responsible for their own situations, it’s still interesting to see what people are saying. People write down on a piece of paper what their situation is (and they are pretty much all dire situations) and then take a picture of themselves
Mad About Debit Card Fees–How to Change Banks
I was going to take the time to put up a post about what it takes to change banks but Nickel over @ Fivecentnickel.com did a great job! He takes you through, step by step. It’s really not hard at all. You can get your new accounts set up with a new institution (I highly recommend a credit union), and then slowly transition everything over.
Planning Ahead Saves Me Money
I hate spending money on basic necessities like toiletries. It’s just one of those things that you have to do though. As I’m getting older, I’m finding the list of “basic necessities” is getting longer. I have a few different medical conditions that have developed over the last 10 years or so that require specialized “necessities”. I struggle with a very large number of allergies.
Steve Balmer Is Under Paid!
I don’t know which side of the fence you sit on when it comes to CEO’s compensation levels. I happen to think most CEO’s are overpaid. Throw as many arrows as you’d like at me but I think a lot of CEO’s could learn a lot from Costco CEO Jim Sinegal. He makes a very good living but he also “get’s it”. Anyway, Business Insider
Are You Going to Buy The New Iphone 5?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Apple has announced the date to introduce the world to their new Iphone. I’m embarrassed to say that I’m looking forward to seeing what they are bringing to the market. I’m a current Iphone 4 user and really like it, although I’m convinced I’d equally like an Android phone if that’s what I had started
Bank of America Debit Card Fee
Starting in 2012, Bank of America is going to start charging $5 per month as a debit card fee. I can’t imagine paying a monthly fee to use a debit card. Just another example of why I’m very happy to have my money at a credit union. There are no fees and I’m getting paid interest every month. http://money.cnn.com/2011/09/29/pf/bank_of_america_debit_fee/index.htm?iid=HP_MPM
I was Hacked
Well, I can honestly tell you that being completely and utterly hacked for the first time sucks! I’ve lost a ton of data and am still working at how to retrieve the posts. I’m hoping to figure out how to export them out of my MySQL database and then import them to this new blog instance but we’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned for
Trouble with the blog
Sorry for the lack of updates. I’m having some trouble with the WordPress admin functions (pages are completely blank so I can’t do anything). I’ve been locked out for awhile and am still trying to fix it. I just found that I am able to access the admin functions via the WordPress mobile app so was able to put up this short post.
Bank of America Forecloses Even With No Missed Payments
You gotta read this. I’m so glad I use a local credit union and that they hold my mortgage. I will NEVER use a commercial, national bank. http://www.businessinsider.com/mark-conca-bank-of-america-illegal-foreclosure-2011-8
Soulja Boy Spending $55 Million on a Jet
From the, “Celebrities on the path to poor” department comes Soulja Boy. He is spending $55 Million to buy and upgrade his own private jet. I wonder if he has done the math on how much it will cost him each year to fly and maintain it. I can’t imagine that he’s making hundreds of millions of dollars these days which makes me wonder what