Tonight I was sitting in my office at home when my daughter came in with rubber gloves on. She looked at me and said, “Daddy, I’m starting to clean the bathrooms so I can get my allowance!”. I told her, “great job” and she headed in to the first bathroom to start cleaning. About 5 minutes later she came back in with a funny smile
How to Keep Your Money (Listen Up Lottery Winners)
I will confess that I really like Business Insider. Their latest article that caught my attention was a pretty long set of instructions on how to keep your money after winning the lottery or making millions as a professional athlete. It won’t be a surprise to most of you that it simply requires spending less than you make and creating a revenue stream from the
A View of Our Net Worth by Assets
I was looking at one of the spreadsheets I use to track our budget and net worth and thought maybe people might be interested to see how our net worth breaks down. While I’m not showing our exact net worth (we did just hit a major milestone), this gives you an idea of the assets we have that make up our net worth. It won’t
Canceling Cable Was a Great Financial Decision
Did I ever mention how much I love the Internet? It’s amazing how much of a “disrupter” the Internet has proven to be for so many industries. Newspapers, realtors, travel agents, the Yellow pages, brick and mortar stores; the list goes on and on. Ironically, it’s also been quite a disrupter for the very companies that offer Internet services. Time Warner and Comcast are two
Here Is a Picture Of Everything Gary Busey Owns
There seems to be a trend lately. (Okay, I guess this has been going on forever). First we read about Allen Iverson being broke after making over $150 million. Now we are hearing that Gary Busey is broke too. In fact, it turns out most of us are much richer than Gary. A broke college student’s net worth probably beats Gary Busey’s net worth. Buzzfeed
Allen Iverson Burned Through $154 Million
Yikes. Another story of a professional athlete burning through his millions long before he dies. If the rumor is to be trusted, it sounds like Allen Iverson has lived beyond his means and is now faced with garnishments to his future earnings to pay off an $860,000 bill to a jeweler. When Iverson was playing basketball for the Detroit Pistons during 2008 he made $20.8
I Bought a Powerball Ticket
Okay, I have clearly lost my marbles. Last weekend, I read an article about how the Powerball lottery was over $300M. I caught myself dreaming about what I’d do with that kind of money. After taxes they were saying it was somewhere around a $200M payout. Of course I wouldn’t use the winnings for anything other than generating interest income but that would still easily
Buying a Rental Sure Feels Like a Good Idea
I’ve been contemplating buying a rental property for a long time. I remember years ago when I was considering buying one, it just didn’t make financial sense. At the time, prices were at the point where I’d end up renting the property for less than the monthly mortgage payment. I can vividly recall reading articles from people like Robert Kiyosaki about how you just couldn’t
Happy Valentines Day–Carrying on a Tradition of Zero Spending
Happy Valentines day to you. I say that, not because I want you to run out and buy me chocolate and gifts, but rather just to be nice. At our house, we have never embraced Valentines Day as a day to spend lots of money to try to prove our love to each other. We sit firmly in the "Reject consumerism on pretend holidays” camp.
Firefighters Battling Police Officers Due to Austerity Cuts
Well, it’s starting to get uglier in Belgium and I can only imagine how long it will take before the US ends up in a similar situation. Firefighters were out protesting against a raise in the retirement age from 58 to 60 and it was up to the police to keep order. In the end, the police officers ended up all wet from the