This is a GREAT movie to watch. It’s an interesting view in to the very rich people in society. I believe you can also find it on Netflix:
Update On Our Finances
Well, it’s been a crazy and hectic summer around our house. We decided to make it even more hectic by refinancing our house as well. I mentioned it previously but now it’s finally complete. I’m still shaking my head at how much documentation they required from us. We have a credit score in the 800’s, have been at the same jobs for many years and
10,000 Loan at 89.68% Interest
If you are paying $63,000 on a $10,000 loan, you should really reevaluate your financial situation. It’s only going to get worse…..
How I Saved Myself $2500
Appliances are some of the best inventions in the world. They’ve made household chores so much easier and have drastically sped up the time it takes to make dinner (that’s how we cook at my house a lot). The only drawback to appliances is that sometimes they break. We have one of those “in wall” microwave/oven combos. It’s a Jenn-air model that came with the
Tool Lending Libraries Can Save You Money!
Have you ever needed a tool that you didn’t own to complete a job around the house? Have you ever worked on your car and had to run to the store to buy a tool to get the job done? Do you have limited space and don’t want to fill it with tools you’ll hardly ever use? Are you on a limited income and don’t
Refinancing the Mortgage With HARP
A few years back we refinanced our mortgage to get a lower interest rate. At the time, we were absolutely thrilled to get a 4.875% mortgage. I never thought I’d see rates that low. The only drawback was that we’d stretch the loan back out to another 30 year term. We decided to mitigate that by paying extra all year long. We did that by
Teens Steal Girl Scout’s Money and Have No Remorse
I hope this isn’t a window in to the minds of most teenage girls. These girls are pathetic. They stole an envelope of money from a Girl Scout and their only concern is the charges they are facing. When asked why they took it, their response was, “It’s money. I want money”. How about working for it like the rest of us? Their parents must
Help Fund a Documentary About Complacency Called “I’m Fine, Thanks”
Adam at “ManVsDebt” is making a movie. (Actually it’s Adam and a number of other people). They’ve already traveled around the country and have completed a couple months of filming. Now it’s time to edit and produce the movie, which they need additional funds for. You can help! For as little as $5, you can help get this movie completed (and get a digital copy
Spam Emails Just Keep Coming
I received this in email today: Greetings, I am Mrs Santos R. Cardenas, credit accounts officer of Land Bank, Central Luzon – PAMPANGA Branch, Philippines. I handle all our and secretly extract 1.2% Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of the Investor’s Capital Funds. As an expert, I have made over $9.2M from Investor’s EMRCP and hereby looking for someone to
Young People Don’t Have it Very Easy These Days
Rob Carrick with the Globe and Mail wrote an interesting article comparing what it was like to be a young person in 1984 versus what it’s like to be a young person in 2012. It was a great article and really makes you think, especially about the cost of getting an education. The reality is that he could have thrown in health care (if this