Although becoming a one car family isn’t possible for everyone, if you can manage it, you’ll save a ton of money. Owning one vehicle is expensive, let alone two or three. Between maintenance and insurance, your spare car could be costing you hundreds of dollars per month. If you could save that money or use it to pay down your debt instead, you’d be able
How I Avoid Lifestyle Creep
As your income increases, it’s natural for your spending to go up. But when you secure a big promotion, it’s important not to let your purchasing habits get out of control. If you loosen your belt too much, you might end up neglecting your other financial goals like saving for retirement. To help you avoid lifestyle creep, here are four of my best tips. Save
How to Create Generational Wealth
Everyone wants to provide for their family and create generational wealth to give their kids the best chance of success. But if you don’t have a six-figure salary, how can you build a big enough nest egg to give your children a leg up in life? According to a recent survey, 33% of millionaires never made six figures during any year of their entire career.
How to Beat the Eat at Home Challenge
For some, the eat at home challenge is not a challenge at all. We’ve got no place better we can go and eating at home seems to be the most cost-effective way to cut back during the COVID financial slump that many of us are seeing. But eating at home doesn’t mean that everyone is eating home-cooked meals. Ordering in is pretty tempting, and we
10 Practices to Increase Self-Discipline
If you look at financially successful people, you’ll often find one trait in common: self-discipline. It takes a great deal of self-discipline to be successful in any endeavor. That makes finding the best practices to increase self-discipline important. One thing that I’ve noticed over and over is that improving your discipline in one area of your life often spills into every other area. If you
What Are The Most Important Things to Save Up For?
Saving is a crucial part of your financial future. But we tend not to save just for the sake of saving (not that it would be bad if we did), instead, we have a tendency to save up for things that we want in our future or situations that we know we’ll require additional funds for. It’s hard to sit here and tell you what
Schoola Review
In the past year, there have been a few online secondhand clothing shops that have caught my eye. I’m one of those people that always purchase my clothing secondhand and love to shop online I’ve been trying them out. Which is why I’m writing this Schoola review. To be honest, my reviews are mixed. There are a couple of online consignment shops that I absolutely
Rich Dad Poor Dad 4 Quadrants: Can Kiyosaki’s Wealth-Building Methods Make You Rich?
If you’ve ever read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” then you’ve learned some powerful wealth-building theories published by Robert T. Kiyosaki. What you may not know is that he published a second book that is changing the way we view wealth called “Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant.” If you haven’t had much experience with these theories, then this article is going to tell you how the Rich
Buying Used Furniture Vs New – Worth It or Just Gross?
Is your dilapidated sofa finally kicking the bucket? Are you moving? Perhaps, it’s time for some new furniture. But here’s the dilemma: You’re on a budget. So buying used furniture vs new is next on your mind. What are the pros and cons? When is it worth it…and when is it just gross? We’re going to explore all of that in today’s article. I was
COVID Summer: How to Bolster Your Savings
I am making some major changes this fall and I’d like to have some extra money on hand to make that happen. I’ll be making a big move that involves selling pretty much everything I own and getting on a plan. But as anyone who’s moved knows, there are always unexpected expenses. With that in mind, I’ve decided that this is going to be the