I have read so many different personal finance blogs, and left quite a few comments because I find it really interesting to have dialogue with others that share my interest in personal finance. In an attempt to create more dialogue, I thought I’d post questions once in awhile for everyone to answer by leaving comments. I’m hoping to find that the most interesting items to
Want to Know if you are Wealthy?
JLP over at Allthingfinancial has a great post that tells you how to calculate your net worth based on a formula from “The Millionaire Next Door”. When I read this book, I ran the calculation (years ago), but had since forgotten it. Low and behold, I saw JLP’s post and ran the numbers now. I’m officially wealthy! That really makes me feel like things are
Monkey Think, Monkey Do
A couple years ago, I was sitting in my office paying my bills when a thought occurred to me. I confess, lots of thoughts come to me all the time, which is why I probably tend to ramble a bit. Most of these thoughts could have also come to a monkey at the zoo, but every now and then, one really stays with me. It
I Just Love Fatwallet
If you haven’t been to http://www.fatwallet.com, I highly recommend it. I think that, as a substitute for throwing away my money on cars, I have turned to electronics as a decent substitute. You can spend pretty significantly on electronics and still not lose the kind of money that you can on a new car (think depreciation). Now, I don’t spend a ton of money on
Millionaires, Millionaires, Millionaires! Oh boy More Millionaires!
Well, according to this article, we have a record number of millionaires out there. That’s great news, unless you aren’t one of them. I’m on my way, but I haven’t made it yet, and the road looks long and bumpy. Highlights: There are 7.5 million millionaires in the country now A 21% increase in millionaires year over year There were only 6 million millionaires in
Wake up Money
In one of my other posts, I mentioned that I like to talk to and watch people that are doing better than I am financially. I have a couple really good role models that are doing VERY well. (I’m not sure they know they are role models for me. I guess I should probably tell them. I bet they will be flattered that someone thinks
Making an Example of the Other Guy
There are so many choices in life that it sometimes seems overwhelming. Even if you want to make all the right decisions, inevitably you make a few mistakes. I’m probably a poster child for having good intentions, but failing to make the best decisions. I think that many of the traits we have are learned from family and friends. If you grew up in a
Observations of our own Net Worth
I mentioned in another post that I wasn’t going to talk about the details around my net worth. Well, I’m not. What I have been doing is reviewing my net worth on an ongoing basis to make sure that my wife and I are headed in the right direction. Here are a few observations about our net worth: Our net worth is increasing at a
Everybody loves your money….. Even the banks!
Imagine a society where everyone makes enough money every month to pay all their bills and they even have some cash left over. Gone would be the endless fights between husband and wife over which bills to pay, which child they should buy shoes for, which financial crisis to address first. Couples would have to figure out something else to fight about every evening after