I continue to be amazed at how our home values keep increasing in our neighborhood. Prices are going up so much, that it almost makes me wonder when they’ll come back down. At some point, with interest rates going up, and prices going up, there won’t be any buyers that can afford to buy these houses. When I moved in to our house 3 years
More Money Saving Tips from ELYM
Well, here it is February. The holiday season is over and the debt hangover is finally taking shape. Holy smokes! You spent a lot of money on presents this year. Well, there’s only one way to overcome this hangover. Save LOTS of money on things. With all of the money you’ll save with these groundbreaking ideas, you are sure to pull yourself up and out
Random Thoughts
Can I tell you a secret? Money management is kind of boring once you put a lot of things on autopilot. I know that automatically investing in my ROTH, and automatically investing in my 401k is the right thing to do but it just isn’t sexy. The money just goes in every two weeks and automatically buys a couple index funds. No adrenaline. No euphoria.
Only way to Accumulate a Million is Via the Lottery?
Now, this article was a bit shocking to me, even though I’ve heard many of the statistics before. I knew that a lot of people don’t have a good understanding of how to build wealth over time, but 21% of the population thinking the easiest way to do it is by winning the lottery? And it’s higher depending on which demographic you look at. What
Make the Decision to Take Control
Suze Orman has some words of wisdom. She cites how everyone can save an extra $5000 per year by trimming lots of little expenses all year long. There are a few that work for me, such as stretching out the length of time between expensive haircuts, or saving the change from every purchase and then putting that money in the bank. What I think Suze
Don’t Let your Cash Cow Die!
The more time I spend browsing through all of the great personal finance blogs out here, the more I think about how it’s just too bad that so many people in the U.S. (and elsewhere for that matter), are so stressed out about their finances and could really benefit from reading these blogs. It’s too bad that they don’t take any interest in personal finance.
The Decision
Okay. What the heck was I thinking? If I’d really wanted this truck, I should have posted the question to a “Get Some More Debt” blog. But no. Einstein here posted the question to a community of personal finance folks. The outcome, via comments, shouldn’t surprise me. Thanks to everyone who posted. I guess I knew the right answer but was hoping that, if I
Personal Finance Mentoring
What a day! It all started when I had to wake up at 4:45 this morning. I had to be in the office at 6:00 am and then be in our VP’s office at 6:30 to give a presentation. Needless to say, I was a bit tired. Later in the day, I had a conversation with a young guy (20) who asked me a question
Dear Interest Rate Man. Please RAISE it Some More!
Well, the articles on interest rates and variable rate mortgages are starting to flow pretty heavily now. I guess that’s to be expected. If you recall some of my previous posts about variable rate mortgages during the lowest interest rate period in 40 years, I was questioning if variable rate mortgages were the right decision for people. A lot of people got them. Not only
The Things I Worry About
I worry a lot. I suppose that’s one of the reasons that I save. There is too damn much uncertainty in the world. There is not a very big part of me that wishes I’d been born one generation earlier, but there is a little. I mean hell, One generation ago they didn’t have: -Personal computers -Ipods -Microwaves -Cellular phones -Cruise control -Our level of