Here is a post that was previously posted back in March of 2005. If you haven’t reviewed the ELYM archives, you may want to take a peek. ———- As you’ve read through all of these articles, have you found yourself thinking that you should have done a few things different? Could you be better off now if you had made different decisions earlier on? Do
Pay Off The House In Five Years?
I was talking to a friend of mine and she was saying that she and her husband were trying to decide whether they should try to pay off their house in five years or not. They currently have a 15 year loan and have an excess $3K plus per month that could be used to pay down their mortgage. They also have a couple of kids that are
Like Minded Individuals – Critical To Your Success
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Keeping up with the Jones’”. If you don’t know what that means, it’s really quite simple. Basically it is a phrase used when one person compares what they have to what someone they associate with has. That sounded a little confusing. Let me give you an example: Bob lives at 123 Main Street. From the outside, it looks like Bob
What Does a Homeless Man do With $100,000?
Last week I saw a preview of an upcoming Oprah show about what happens to people when they experience a financial windfall. As most people that read PF blogs would guess, it doesn’t usually turn out too well. I finally got a chance to watch the Oprah show that I had Tivo’d last week and found it pretty interesting. First there was a lady that
ELYM’s TOP Money Saving Idea of 2006
You can thank me later for pointing you to this article that just screams “resourceful”. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see if I can find some filet mignon behind my grocery store.…
Winning the Money Marathon in 26.2 Steps
Becoming financially fit can be challenging. But consider this: Marathoners get up early on the weekends and run multiple miles, sometimes in the rain, skipping the breakfast buffet and Bloody Marys. Makes reaching financial fitness sound totally doable, doesn’t it? So in honor of the Seattle Marathon today, we offer 26.2 tips that work well both for running and personal finance See the whole article
Sweating the Small Stuff
Every now and then I wonder if I’m too much of a tightwad. I’ll confess that there are a few things I do to try to keep our costs down. In no particular order: Religiously turn off the lights (and usually turn on the CFL bulbs instead of regular light bulbs (We have some of each in the house due to preferences) Try to go
Monkey See, Monkey Do
I’ve often noticed that children mimic their parents in many, many ways. I have to really be careful because my three year old daughter repeats almost everything I say. I’m still not sure how we are going to get her to stop saying “fart”. Of course, I slipped up and said it months ago, and she has never forgotten it. Every few days, I have
Took a Sick Day Today
It’s week three of the new schedule at our house. Things have been going well, but I’ve been expecting that sooner or later I’d need to take a sick day to stay home with our daughter. Today was the day. It just doesn’t make sense for my wife to stay home with her at this point. She is only “temping” and doesn’t get any paid
Emigrant Direct Not Doing So Hot
I left a comment over at Jonathon’s MyMoneyBlog and decided it was really worthy of a post on my blog. Since I work in IT, I’m pretty familiar with server loads and things of that nature. Most IT architectures I’ve seen, usually count on a percentage of Users accessing the server at any one time. In the case of web servers, that means you expect