Today was one of those days that you remember for the rest of your life and I didn’t spend a nickel all day. Up here in the Pacific Northwest the weather has been a little abnormal. By that I mean that it snowed. It has been cold for a week and we even saw temperatures in the single digits overnight in a couple areas. With
Avoid Specific Wall Street Fraud – Invest in Index Funds
Okay, so that title probably sounds a little bit moronic. I don’t think anyone can avoid the fraud we’ve seen on Wallstreet over the years. Here are a few of my favorites: Enron Worldcom Madoff Mortgage Securities It seems that the only limit to the amount of fraud on Wall street is people’s ability to imagine it. From energy manipulation to massive Hedge fund ponzi
If I Had a Crystal Ball – The Freezing My Butt off Edition
Well, it never seems to fail. I’ve never been able to time the market and trying to time interest rates has proven to be just as difficult. I locked in our refinance rate at 4.875% for a 30 year fixed rate loan. It’s a great rate and I’m thrilled to have gotten it. Of course rates have come back down further since then. My credit
We’re Going to Refinance Our Home Loan
It was finally too much for me to ignore. We have been paying 5.75% on our mortgage for the last 6 years. We’ve always felt that was a great rate, especially when you consider historical rates. Well, the appeal of a sub 5% loan was finally too much to keep me on the sidelines. We were able to secure a new loan at 4.875% for
Britons Saving Money with Sex
Those Brits are really embracing frugality. Rather than go out and spend money they don’t have on useless junk, they are opting to stick to indoor activities that are free:
We’re Getting Acclimated to the Economic Downturn
You know I’ve been running through the various scenarios in my head for awhile now. “What if I lose my job? What if my wife loses her job? What if we both lose our jobs?” By doing this, it has given me some sense of security in knowing that I should be prepared for just about anything. I still think we are in for a
Are You a Saver, a Spender, or Somewhere in Between?
I think one of the most fascinating things about reading a book like “The Millionaire Next Door” is the personal descriptions about how people spend their money. As I talk to friends and family, I find the same level of fascination when listening to them describe purchases they’ve made, or are planning on making. What’s kind of neat about listening to friends, families, neighbors etc
I Feel Like a Frog in a Cold Pot of Water
It’s funny how recessions and depressions work. Rather than just resetting in one day, it strings out over many months and potentially years. So far, the water is relatively cold in the pot at my house. Both my wife and I are still employed, although layoffs are coming at my company. I suppose the fact that layoffs are coming at my company probably increases the
Make Sure Your Investment Analyst Doesn’t Have a Window
I thought this Saturday Night Live video was pretty humorous. All that being said, remember what Warren Buffet says, "Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful".
A Great Opinion Article About Credit Unions
I think this is a pretty good article on credit unions. It’s written by a Director of a credit union so it’s obviously biased but it does speak to the excesses of major commercial financial institutions and discusses the desire to profit as much as possible off of their customers. Credit unions, on the other hand, are more devoted to their members and have used