As I often do, I found myself standing in the front yard talking to a friend of mine while I was watering the lawn. He’s 51 years old and has been working at the same company for 20+ years. A few weeks ago, he told me that he’s going to have to start driving a lot farther to work each day due to the company
Investment Broker Facing Sentencing
ING Investment Broker, Rhonda Breard, appeared to have it all. She owned 3 luxury homes and 27 cars, trucks, boats and RV’s. She even had her own Infomercials titled, “Help Me Rhondaâ€. Unfortunately for all the investors, it was all a scam. Rhonda stole over $11 million over at least 10 years. Now she’s facing upwards of 8 years in jail. She cites the need
Being Satisfied With What You Have
I found myself over at Get Rich Slowly today reading his post called: “Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Remembering to Appreciate What I Already Have†and a number of things came to mind. First the synopsis. JD took the long route home yesterday which included walking past a number of large “mansion†type houses. As he walked along, he found himself thinking about what it would
The Summer of Not Spending Major Money
It’s finally summer around here and I’m thrilled. The months of cold blustery weather seemed to go on forever and I can easily recall longing for the days of warmth. While the weather hasn’t exactly been “epic†heat or anything so far (in fact it’s been uncharacteristically cooler in May and June in the Pacific Northwest), the weather is still much better than the typical
Most Americans Still Unprepared for Retirement
Wow. CNNMoney has an article up today about a recently released survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. They surveyed 1153 US workers and retirees older than 25 years of age in January. Here are some of the results: 54% of workers said they have less than $25,000 saved for retirement 24% have delayed their retirement in the past year 27% of workers said they
February was a Strong Savings Month
February was a quick month, as it always is. Normally I’d expect it would be an average or below average month for income. This February turned out to be one of our higher income months and it wasn’t even a “3 paycheck†month for us. A combination of factors helped boost our income this month and helped us add a solid $5500 to our savings
Are We Prepared For a Layoff?
This week is a really tough week at work. People at all levels of the company are getting laid off so there is a lot of “staring at the ground†going on as people deal with the prospect of losing their income. While this has happened many times before at my large company, it’s hitting closer to home than it ever has before. I’m seeing
Yet Another Reason to Choose a Credit Union
Yahoo has an article up that shows how much customer misery there is out there with the big banks. Check out these stats: The report, Forrester’s annual Customer Advocacy rankings, ranks nearly 50 financial services firms in the United States by the percentage of each firm’s customers who agree with the statement: "My financial provider does what’s best for me, not just its own bottom
Subscribing to “Slickdeals” RSS Feed
I just recently added the website “Slickdeals” to my RSS reader. This site is basically a hub for deals on everything from computers and electronics to household goods and clothing. What got me to subscribe in the first place is that they’ve had some really good deals on things like Xbox’s, laptops and TV’s. I almost felt like I might be missing out if I
Online Deposits – I’ll Never Set Foot in a Credit Union Lobby Again
I was absolutely thrilled to discover that my credit union now offers online deposits. For the last few years, I’ve really dreaded getting physical checks from people because it meant that I’d have to plan a trip to an ATM or one of my credit union lobbies. Don’t get me wrong, the people at my credit union are top notch, but it’s just such a