What will they think of next? In an attempt to get people to save more there is a bill working it’s way through Washington’s legislature to enter people in drawings for every $25 they save in their account. If they win, they’d receive things like an Ipod or Itunes gift cards. UGH. How about if we spend a bit more time highlighting why saving is
What Kind of A Raise Can I Expect in 2011?
I was thinking this year would be a pretty insignificant raise because of the economy and the general state of things. I’ve been working hard at work so I figured I’d get something but was absolutely blown away to find out I got over a 9% bump. Needless to say, I was thrilled. We won’t be spending the additional income since we really have everything
1st Quarter Finances
I love this time of year. We are just about through the worst of winter (which means spring and summer are on the way) and it’s bonus and raise time at work. On top of that, it’s tax time which usually means we get some sort of tax refund as well. This year it’s looking like I’ll be getting somewhere around a 6% raise. I
Unlimited Texting – Naaah
I was out talking to my neighbor today and the subject of texting came up. I told him that I had two numbers that he could text but that I’d prefer he sent them to a different number than he’s texted in the past. He looked at me a bit odd and then I explained, “I got my wife and I additional “Google Voice†numbers
Quote of the Day: Financial Advisor
“A good financial advisor takes your money and his experience and turns it into his money and your experience†I’ll stick with my boring index funds and self managed 401K, thanks.
Saving Money to Win Prizes
Here’s an article that’s all over the news in Washington right now. Washington state is considering creating prize incentives for people to save money. Apparently Michigan has been trying this for the last couple years and now other states are starting to take notice. As much of a gimmick as this seems to be, I like it. There really are no losers in this in
Saving Spree in January
I’m home with a sick kid today. My daughter has a 101 temp so she can’t go to school. She doesn’t feel too bad but we’ll keep an eye on her today and see if she gets better or worse. While she’s relaxing on the couch watching a streaming Netflix movie, I’m sitting here thinking about how our absurd December spending is just about a
Here Come the Bank Fees
Everybody duck!! The bank fees are coming right at you. I’m happy to report that my credit union hasn’t sent me anything telling me that my accounts will now be subject to a fee. In fact, the last thing I got from them was a notice telling me how much money they had PAID me for having accounts with them. Gotta love credit unions! http://abcnews.go.com/Business/bank-america-testing-accounts-fees/story?id=12556140
Are You Winning the Slow Motion Lottery?
You can feel the excitement in the air. The Mega millions lottery is up to $330 million and people are buying tickets like crazy. If you win, you would receive upwards of $200 million after taxes. That’s a lot of cash. If you generated just 3% interest off of that $200 million you’d make over $500,000 a month in interest (before taxes). HOLY SMOKES. What
Happy New Year – 2011
Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to everyone. 2010 was an okay year for us at our house and I hope 2011 will be full of opportunity, excitement and happiness. I’m not a big fan of New Years resolutions per se but I am looking at a couple of goals for 2011. First and foremost is a desire to get healthy. I