Lately, I’ve been thinking about how my partner and I will adjust to living on a single income. We’re still undecided about having kids, but if we do start a family, I will probably become a stay-at-home mom. My mother was a homemaker and was able to create such a cozy home environment and give my sister and me lots of individualized attention. Naturally, I
3 Smart Ways To Live Below Your Means
The sayings “live within your means” and “live below your means” are often used interchangeably. However, I believe they have slightly different connotations. Living within your means simply indicates that you aren’t racking up debt to cover your lifestyle. Even someone who’s living paycheck to paycheck is technically staying within their means because they aren’t going into the red every month. On the other hand,
4 Healthy Habits That Save Me Money
It’s a common perception that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is expensive. But in my experience, unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking, and eating fast food are more costly than looking after your health, both in the short and long run. Buying sodas, cigarettes, and drive-thru burgers costs more than drinking water and cooking nutritious food at home. Plus, these lifestyle choices can put you at risk
How Much Of Your Income Should You Save?
I recently read a Nerdwallet article that claimed to sum up all the personal finance advice you need in just 6 words. Those words were: “Live off of 80% of your income.” However, I’d argue personal finance is a bit more complicated than that! And depending on your goals, saving 20% of your income may not be enough. Here’s why I save more than 20%
7 Ways to Save Money When Choosing an Auto Shop
A car makes life easier whether you use it to commute to work, make deliveries, or take kids to school. However, cars are susceptible to wear and tear, accidents, and general damage. The global economy isn’t doing well. Therefore, it’s shrewd to save some bucks whenever possible. Below are seven budget-friendly tips for choosing an ideal auto shop and saving some dollars. Let’s jump right
How Being a Homebody Saves Me Money
I’ve always been an introvert, but the pandemic turned me into a total homebody. I thought that once the threat of COVID-19 passed and the world returned to normal, I’d enjoy going out more frequently. But truth be told, these days I don’t leave the house much more than I did during the pandemic. Once or twice a week, I run errands. Sometimes I grab
Is Frugality Restrictive?
Most people think that saving money requires sacrifice and self-denial. However, when I became frugal, I felt like my life got more abundant, not less. And I’ve heard many frugal people express the same sentiment. How can your life feel more full and abundant when you’re spending less money than ever? The answer is gratitude! Adopting a frugal mindset causes you to be more intentional
How I’m Planning To Use My Tax Refund
It’s that time of the year again — tax season! Since I’m a freelance writer and take deductions for business expenses, my taxes tend to be more complicated than average. I’ve made the mistake of waiting until the last minute to file, which as you can imagine was super stressful! I’m determined not to repeat that experience, so I sorted everything out last week and
3 Tips to Help You Keep Your Financial Resolutions
The beginning of a new year is a great time to analyze your finances and set new money goals. About 65% of Americans are planning on making a financial New Year’s resolution for 2023. Setting resolutions is relatively easy, but seeing them through to completion can be extremely difficult. Statistically, only about 9% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions. How can you ensure you
8 Ways to Save Money When You Buy a Car
Purchasing a car is a significant financial investment. The decision becomes even more complicated if you are operating on a budget. Finding an affordable car may seem difficult, but it is not impossible. Luckily, there are a lot of helpful tips you can use to purchase a car while shopping on a budget. 1. Compare Multiple Quotes One of the easiest ways to purchase a