We’ve talked about investing without the stock market and also covered some controversial investments. Today, let’s look at one that falls into both categories: peer to peer lending. Peer to peer lending is just how it sounds. You, as the investor, supply borrower’s money. In return for generously funding their loan you earn interest. And depending on who you loan money to this interest can
Investing without the Stock Market: Amazon FBA Program
Does stock market investing not feel right for you? Looking for some different investment options? I’ve recently started saving money to go toward an investment property. In the past month I’ve just added my “extra money” into a dedicated savings account and was able to amass a thousand bucks pretty easily. Then I got to thinking (it’s always bad when that happens) “what if I
An Easy Way to Evaluate a Rental Property
Since discovering the recent foreclosure that I convinced myself I needed to swoop up, I’ve been doing a lot of research on what makes a good investment property. With flipping, the calculation is easy. You simply need to sell the house for more than what you have invested in it. But the problem with flipping is that it’s not easy. There’s huge risk associated with
Buying an Investment Property when Self Employed
If you keep up with this blog you’d know that I have a mild obsession with real estate and that my favorite show is HGTV’s Flip or Flop. And that I also have a little bit of experience with the whole flipping thing. In my quest to invest in real estate again I’ve had little luck finding a property that felt right. Until now, that
How Hard is it to Get Rental Property Loans?
In the last few years you’ve seen rock bottom prices on not just houses, but interest rates as well. That’s why you’re always hearing real estate buffs tell you that “now is the time to buy.” And who could disagree? Right now does seem like the time to buy. There’s just one small, little problem…..getting a rental property loan is a lot harder than it
Should You Invest While in Debt?
Isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to make a decision but the opinions of others keep pulling you in opposite directions? Yep, it’s annoying. That’s how it is when you think about investing while in debt. One side of the fence is telling you how horrible of an idea it is. The other side is telling you that you’re jeopardizing your future by not doing
3 Lessons Learned From Shark Tank
Ever since I’ve gotten back into watching TV Shark Tank has quickly become my absolute favorite show. Unlike some other shows regarding money (*cough* Extreme Cheapskates) Shark Tank offers more than just pure entertainment value, there are actually real life lessons to be learned. The same set of lessons apply to two different topics: investing and starting a business. What more could you ask for?!
Why You Should Invest in Yourself
In the personal finance world we talk about investing money a lot. But it’s just as important that you invest in yourself. When you neglect your largest asset (you) your family, career, health, and overall quality of life suffer. You need to continually spend time on yourself so that you can be the best version of you. Here are four ways you can invest in
5 Ways to Find Money to Invest
Investing is something a lot of people want to do but feel they don’t have the money for. The good news is even if you’re living on a tight budget there are ways you can find money to invest. And once you make your first investment you’ll be hooked. I mean, who doesn’t like watching their money grow? If you’ve never invested before here are
How I’m Diversifying My Income This Year
How much do you think about diversifying your income? Have you ever tried it? According to this article from Budgets are Sexy, a guy by the name of Whiskeytrail is trying to add a new income stream for every month of the year. Now that’s diversity! As I read through the post and comments I could only think about how important it really is to