Ensuring that you have a solid retirement plan in place is crucial. Pensions are largely a thing of the past, and the future of Social Security is up in the air. So if you don’t save enough in your 401k over the course of your career, you may not get to have a retirement at all. Knowing this, I’m being conservative with my retirement planning.
6 Home Investments That Give You a High ROI
When it comes to making a good investment in your home, there are a whole bunch of options that can make you some serious money. If you live in a good area, you’re already on the right track to having a high-value home. For example, living in Dallas, TX, home of the football team, the Cowboys, is a good spot for potential buyers that love
Pushing the limits with listed options trading
Listed options trading has become increasingly popular in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as it allows traders to take advantage of specialised strategies not available through other forms of investing. Traders must know all their options and understand the risks and rewards of different strategies. This article will discuss how traders can push the limits when trading listed options in the UAE, reviewing each method
4 Reasons You Should Be Investing
It’s important for anyone who wants to grow their wealth to invest their money. This is because you can get good returns for putting your money into the right investments as opposed to letting it simply sit around. That said, you need to find the right investments to make so that you don’t end up losing your money or not making as much as you
Why Women Invest Less And What To Do About It
Today I thought I’d discuss a topic I’m passionate about, but have never covered before—the gender investing gap. Although women tend to be more effective investors than men and earn higher returns, we don’t invest as often. Women keep up to 71% of our assets in cash, and some of us aren’t investing any of our money at all. About 66% of men currently invest
What is a non-deliverable forex forward?
A non-deliverable forex forward is a non-deliverable forward based on currency. A non-deliverable forward (NDF) is an outright forward or futures contract where the counterparties settle the difference between the contracted NDF price or rate and the prevailing spot price or rate on an agreed notional amount. NDFs are also known as forward contracts for differences (FCDs). NDFs can be based on various assets, and
Is it a Good Idea to Invest in Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency, meaning it does not belong to any government or financial institution. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and remains the most popular cryptocurrency today. While cryptocurrency has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, it is still a relatively
How to Choose a Local Industry to Invest In
When it comes to investing, there are many options out there. But one of the smartest things you can do is invest in your local community. Not only will you be supporting businesses and organizations that are important to you, but you’ll also be more invested (literally) in their success. But how do you choose the right local industry to invest in? Here are a
SMBX: Peer To Peer Bonds
I know most of you are here for frugal tips, and ways to improve your self discipline. But finance is as much about growing your income as much as about saving money. One good thing about the finance industry is that it constantly delivers new ways to make money. The latest you may not have heard of is: peer to peer bonds. Peer to peer
Stock Broker – Types and History of Stock Brokerage
Imagine you want to buy some gold, you ask your brother to purchase it for you. Your brother goes to a gold-trading shop and bargain with the owner to get it for less than the market rate. He buys on behalf of you. It is essentially what a financial transaction is. That broadly is what a trading broker does. Who is a Stock Broker? A