Life insurance is an important but often overlooked aspect of personal finance. If you have people who rely on you financially, it’s important to make sure they’d be taken care of if you got injured or passed away. Although no one likes to think about getting sick or dying, it’s better to be prepared than to be caught off guard. That’s why my partner and
How Frugality Has Improved My Life
Many people see frugality as a chore or a burden. Why would anyone want to add penny-pinching and coupon clipping to their already packed to-do list? But since I adopted a more frugal mindset, I’ve found I actually have more free time, not less. Because I don’t have to chase money to fund an inflated lifestyle, I can rest when I need to and focus
What To Do When Saving Feels Like a Slog
When you first set a financial goal, working towards it feels new and exciting. You may spend a lot of time researching ways to save money and feel motivated to change your lifestyle to get closer to your goal. But after a while, the shine wears off and you enter into a phase called “the boring middle.” When you’re in the boring middle, you feel
Why I’d Rather Buy Things Than Experiences
In the past decade, consumer attitudes have shifted from valuing things to experiences. Nearly 80% of consumers worldwide would rather spend their money on experiences than material goods. Instead of buying a shiny new car, most people want to travel, go to concerts, and make memories with family and friends. Some studies have shown that spending money on special events tends to make people happier
How To Deal With Spending Anxiety
Money is a touchy subject for many people that causes anxiety. About a quarter of Americans frequently worry about money, and half are stressed about retirement and unexpected medical costs. Some people’s financial anxiety is so severe that it’s classified as a mental health disorder called chrometophobia. One of the hallmark symptoms of this condition is fear of spending money. People with chrometophobia are constantly
How I Save Money With My Minimalist Beauty Routine
In this day and age, there’s a lot of pressure on women and girls to look good because of social media and societal expectations. Studies have shown that girls as young as seven believe they’re judged primarily by their appearance. Researchers have even found that how much makeup you wear can affect your career success. Women who don’t wear makeup are viewed as less competent
Should You Pay Interest After Borrowing Money From a Friend?
No one wants to be in a financial position where they need to borrow money from friends and family members to stay afloat. But the pandemic has put many people in a tough spot, especially now that stimulus payments like the child tax credit have ended. If you lost your job or had to take unpaid time off work to recover from COVID-19, you may
4 Signs You Aren’t Ready for Homeownership
Buying a house before you’re financially and emotionally ready can wreak havoc on your finances. I’ve watched friends buy houses in their early twenties and sell them a few years later for a loss because they weren’t prepared for the responsibility of homeownership. I just bought my first home with my partner last year. Even as a personal finance writer, I wasn’t fully prepared for
Take These Steps To Stop Spending Money on Fast Food
If fast food is a big line item in your budget, you’re not alone. The average American household spends $250 per month on eating out. Investing that money instead can help you achieve your financial goals and build wealth. But how do you break the habit of hopping in the car and going to Wendy’s whenever you’re too tired to cook? Here are some tips
How to Save Money By Being Handy
Home repairs are a major line item in many people’s budgets. On average, homeowners spend at least one percent of their home’s value on maintenance every year. But luckily you can save money by fixing things yourself instead of calling a contractor every time something breaks. Even if you’re not a handy person, you can learn how to do minor home repairs. Here are some