Recently I’ve been delving into Ramit Sethi’s content because it’s been recommended to me so many times, and for good reason. One of the things I’ve learned from him is the concept of designing your rich life. Instead of approaching your personal finances from a place of stress or fear, he encourages people to envision the life they want. Then they can make a financial
How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?
Credit cards are a hotly debated topic in the personal finance world. Some money gurus like Dave Ramsey don’t really recommend credit cards because they can encourage overspending, especially if you have a high credit limit. However, using credit cards responsibly can help you earn rewards and build good credit, which makes it easier to take out loans for major purchases like buying a home
7 Affordable Ingredients That Will Level Up Your Cooking
Many people think budget-friendly cooking is boring, but it doesn’t have to be. Spending a bit of extra money on a lemon or a bunch of parsley can help take your home cooking to the next level and stave off your desire to order takeout. Here are six affordable ingredients I use to spice up my meals so I don’t get frugal food fatigue. 7
3 Reasons Why I Don’t ‘Buy It For Life’
There’s a popular personal finance philosophy called ‘buy it for life’ that involves buying high-end products in hopes that you’ll never have to replace them. Many people believe that this practice will save them money in the long run since they won’t have to repurchase things as often. I used to subscribe to this school of thought and buy the nicest products I could afford.
5 Ways to Avoid Gift-Giving Pressure
Around the holidays, there’s lots of pressure to give great gifts and create memories for your family. Last year, a study by LendingTree showed that 56% of holiday gift-givers were feeling stressed out about presents. Respondents said that they felt pressure to find the perfect gifts and were anxious about not being able to afford presents. Gift-giving anxiety is not only bad for your mental
3 Ways Lowering My Standards Improved My Finances
In some areas of life, having high standards will propel you forward and help you achieve your goals. For example, holding yourself to a high standard at work usually leads to career advancement and raises. But sometimes perfectionistic tendencies can hold you back and cost you money and time. Here are 3 instances in which lowering my standards improved my finances. Letting Go of an
4 Tips to Help You Thrive on a Single Income
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how my partner and I will adjust to living on a single income. We’re still undecided about having kids, but if we do start a family, I will probably become a stay-at-home mom. My mother was a homemaker and was able to create such a cozy home environment and give my sister and me lots of individualized attention. Naturally, I
5 Belongings To Sell For Extra Cash
Due to inflation, a lot of us are feeling the pinch right now and are in need of some extra cash. Selling some of your belongings on resale websites like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist can be a good way to put some money back in your pocket. However, you have to be selective about which belongings you list. Some used items like video game consoles
3 Celebrity Finance Mistakes You Can Learn From
Although celebs look perfect in the movies, they’re still human and sometimes make the wrong money moves. Many of our favorite stars including Lady Gaga and Rihanna have made costly financial mistakes that ate up a big chunk of their net worth. Luckily many celebrities have been willing to share their financial blunders so the rest of us can avoid following in their footsteps. Here
3 Bad Excuses for Overspending
More than 80% of Americans say they overspend and exceed their budget at least some of the time. Part of the reason why we overspend is because we’re very good at justifying purchases in our heads. When something is on sale, we convince ourselves that we’re saving money by purchasing it even if we don’t really need it. Phrases like “YOLO” and “treat yourself” are