Purchasing a condominium can be a great investment of lifetime home for many different people. Whether you are living in it personally or renting it out, you want to ensure that it is protected against fire and theft. A single fire can cost thousands of dollars to repair which can wreak havoc on your finances or even displace you for weeks. Today we are going to look at a few different preventative measures you can take to protect your condo against fire and theft.
Find Out What Is Required
The first step in making sure that your condo is protected from fire and theft is to check with your condo building owner, fire department, and insurance company to make sure you have a list of things that are needed for proper condo ownership. This can be anything from fire alarms, smoke detectors, deadbolts, and security systems. While we will touch on a few of these a little later in this article, it is always a good idea to find out what exactly is needed to ensure your condo is up to the correct standards for basic protection.
Consider Creating a Neighborhood Watch/Plan
There is always strength in numbers and this is especially true when it comes to both having an evacuation plan during a fire and watching for any signs of attempted theft. As far as fire evacuation plans go, teaming up with your neighbours can ensure that everyone knows exactly where to go in the event of a fire to prevent everyone trying to use the same route which could slow evacuations down. This also helps to make sure that everyone is accounted for. For preventing theft, having your neighbours know what to look for when things are not right can ensure that there is an extra set of eyes on your condo at all times.
Install A Security Camera System
If your budget allows for it, installing a security camera system is a great way to monitor your condo at any time. A security camera system not only lets you view and record all activity in and around your condo, but it also helps to thwart would-be thieves before they even think about breaking into your condo. However, if a thief does enter your apartment, you can easily check your security system to inform the authorities of what they look like and what was stolen. This system can also be used to see where a fire may have started as well. It is a great way to ensure that your insurance company knows exactly what happened.
Find The Right Insurance
Speaking of insurance, one of the best ways to ensure your condo is protected in the event of theft or fire is by having the right insurance. Having a plan such as the master condo insurance Massachusetts based company Garrity Insurance offers, you can make sure that all of your belongings and possessions are covered. While having insurance will not prevent a fire or theft, it is there to ensure you are covered in the event either happen to you.