Gosh. There are lots of money events happening around our house these days. For starters, my wife bought me a gas weed eater for Father’s day. It turned out to be used (someone had bought it from Home Depot, used it, and then returned it). I decided that I didn’t want someone else’s potential problem and would much rather put the funds toward a new desktop computer instead so we returned it.
Like I mentioned, we also bought a new Dell desktop PC this week. We are still waiting for it to arrive. I have been using my existing desktop computer for over 4 years and it’s really starting to slow me down. I was able to utilize my employee discount program through my company and got it for $469. That dwarfs any of the deals on Fatwallet these days so I know it’s a good value. I can’t wait for it to show up so that I can get it all configured. I didn’t buy a new monitor since the two that I have now (I’m a dual screen user and can’t ever go back to one) are still in perfectly good shape.
We are also selling a weight set that we’ve had in the garage for about 9 months. I bought the set from my neighbor last year for $200. That was a screaming deal, which is why I bought it. I’ve used it a bit but am really not getting my money’s worth out of it. I put it up on Craigslist for $295 and have already gotten 2 calls on it. I expect to make about a $75 profit once it sells. I’ll use that cash to cover a portion of the cost of the new Dell. The only reason that I bought the weight set at the time was because I knew it was a great price. I figured I’d see how much I use it and if I didn’t (which I didn’t), I’d just sell it for a small profit. I’ve got someone coming tomorrow to pick it up so I think that’s going to work out.
Other than that, it has been a pretty quiet and relaxing weekend here. We spent some time down at Lake Washington today and then had an amazing dinner on the barbeque tonight. It was very nice to spend the day with my wife and daughter. It was a nice sunny day and a wonderful time all around. If every day was like today, I’d be one blessed individual.
I hope you had a happy father’s day if you are a father, or just one heck of a Sunday if you aren’t!
chosha says
Yeah right. Sneaky way to avoid gardening I’m guessing. ;)