Well, I suppose it had to be too good to be true. I posted my “Top 13 Money Saving Ideas Of All Time” and one of those tips was to only use two squares of toilet paper. Then, only days later, Sheryl Crow comes out and says that you should only use one square of toilet paper. (Talk about extreme). Well, apparently Sheryl was just kidding. I think Sheryl just couldn’t hold up to the pressure.
Don’t back down Sheryl! Save some money, save the world! You just keep making that sacrifice each time you are in the bathroom and the world will be a better place.
My son is just learning how to wipe himself and he disagrees with the two pieces of paper theory. He uses 1/3 of the roll for each wipe. I tried explaining the financial consequences of using all that roll of paper using terms like time-value-of-money and stuff; however, to a six year old it doesn’t really work. In fact, that same argument doesn’t work on my wife either. Great post either way. If you are interested in exchanging links, let me know. Thanks.
Brandon J