For instance, applying minimalist principles to your finances can help you focus on the big picture and eliminate the things that don’t matter. Applying minimalist principles to your home can help you keep clutter at bay, reduce stress, and even save money.
And today I wanted to talk about how taking a minimal approach to your business can really help you increase your income.
Figure Out What’s Working and Repeat
Having multiple income streams is awesome. It really is.
The problem though, is that when you’re trying to create multiple income streams all at the same time it’s easy to neglect and not fully nourish the one thing that works really well for you.
While you try to grow your business do not forget what got you this far in the first place. When you try new things fail fast. Then keep repeating what works until it stops working.
Master One Thing at a Time
This principle has been HUGE for me.
We live in a world where everyone wants to do everything. So, in order to keep up they pile on the work in a dozen different directions and instead of being exceptionally well at one thing, they are half-assed at everything.
When you switch gears though, and figure out one thing at time, make it work and consistently incorporate this task into your daily routine you will see much better results.
Don’t be mediocre at ten different things. Instead focus on being excellent at one thing, make it a habit, and then move on to the next.
Be Clear on Your Objectives
I think we’re starting to develop a pattern here. You need to have very clear goals and a plan of where you’re going.
If you’re not clear on your goals it will be easy to take the wrong opportunities that won’t grow your business in the way you desire. As the saying goes “If you don’t know where you’re going any direction will do.”
Stay Focused
The biggest thing you should take away when it comes to applying minimalism to business is the power of focus. Focusing on one thing at a time and mastering the skills you need to succeed will take you farther than anything else.