[The following is a guest post]
When you decide that you want to sell your house, it can seem like a daunting process even after you have made the decision to take that step. It is a big decision to make and should be given lots of thought about why it is that you’re doing it, and if there is anything that you think you could do instead.
It can be hard to know that you’re getting a good deal, and exactly how you should go about getting the sale that you’re after, and each of these options has the potential to impact differently on your finances by how much it will cost you, and how much you could gain from selling your property by using this method.
Take the time to think about each of them, and consider which one that you think could work best for you, in terms of both your finances and your desired time frame.
Using an estate agent
You could decide that you want to use an estate agent to help you with the process. You will have to pay the estate agents commission when they help you to sell your house, but some may ask for a set fee. However, the will help you by providing you with a valuation for it, and help to arrange and run any viewings, as well as helping with advertising it.
Get valuations from more than one estate agent to see how much they think the property is worth. Look it to the contracts that they are offering you, and find out how long it is for and what would happen if you decided that you wanted to leave early. Try not to just decide who to go with based on the valuation they suggest and ask what they think your asking price should be.
Selling privately
Deciding to sell your home privately without using an estate agent means that you save money on their commission fees and will not be in a contract. However, it can mean that you have to do a lot of the work for yourself, like coming up with a valuation, taking the photograph and marketing the property for yourself. This can get quite stressful, so weigh up the pros and cons of doing this to see if it will fit in to your schedule. If you can, talk to others who have done this and see how they found the process.
Quick house sales with a house buying company
Sometimes, things can happen if life that mean you have to sell your house quickly. Companies like House Buyer Bureau, can value your house buy it speedily, often with around four weeks if not sooner. Look up a few companies and choose with care to make sure that you are getting a good deal because this is usually done at a discount price on the property value. Sometimes, the original offer that you are offered by some companies may need to be changed at the last minute, so decide if speed is more important than the amount of money you make.