Younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z tend to be more sensitive to the way language is used. Phrases that seem acceptable to Boomers may come across as rude to young adults. These generational gaps can make communication more difficult, especially if you don’t know which phrases to steer clear of. Here are 12 commonly used sayings that may not go over well with your kids and grandkids.
1. Back In My Day…
Hearing kids complain about how hard things are these days may make you want to educate them about the challenges previous generations faced. However, starting an anecdote with the phrase “back in my day” is a surefire way to get your kids and grandkids to tune you out!
Offering some encouragement may be more effective. Remind them that everybody goes through challenges and comes out on the other side stronger.
2. Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps
The saying “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” means that you should take responsibility for your life and finances by making positive changes. Although there’s truth to this phrase, it has developed a very negative connotation. If you want younger generations to take your suggestion to focus on self-improvement seriously, avoid using this phrase to communicate your message.
3. Toughen Up Buttercup
This is another tough love phrase that Gen Z and Millennials think is insensitive, so it may be time to retire it. “Try to develop a thicker skin” could be a nicer way to say the same thing.
4. Kids These Days…
Sometimes teens and young adults exhibit frustrating behavior, which can make you want to roll your eyes and exclaim “Kids these days!” But try to give them grace while they’re learning to navigate the world, as mistakes are a natural part of growth.
5. Renting Is a Waste of Money
Buying a house was part of the American dream for Baby Boomers, so it’s natural for you to want the same thing for your kids. However, younger generations feel that they’re facing mounting barriers to homeownership, such as steep prices, high interest rates, low housing supply, and slow wage growth.
Saying that renting is a waste of money can come across as insensitive to Millennials and Zoomers who aren’t in a financial position to buy a home yet, so you may want to refrain from saying this around them.
6. When Are You Having Kids?
Although this question is well-intentioned, some women of childbearing age may not like being asked about their family planning goals. To be fair, deciding whether or not to have children is a pretty personal matter. Sometimes couples may not want to discuss this subject to preserve their privacy, which is understandable.
Plus, fertility problems and miscarriages are common and can be difficult to talk about. You never know what a couple is going through behind the scenes, so it may be best to avoid this topic.
7. You Wouldn’t Be Depressed If…
Mental health used to carry a stigma and wasn’t discussed when Boomers were growing up. As a result, it can be tough to navigate conversations about mental health and depression and figure out the right things to say.
You want your loved one to get better, so it’s tempting to make treatment suggestions. But telling them that they wouldn’t be depressed if they hiked or ate better can do more harm than good. These types of statements can make people with mental health problems feel like it’s their fault that they’re suffering, so they should probably be avoided.
8. You’d Get a Job If You Applied In Person
Applying for jobs in person used to be effective when the Boomer generation was searching for their first jobs. But now that applications are all digital, this strategy usually doesn’t work. These days most managers will turn applicants away and tell them to submit their resume online. Instead of visiting local businesses to ask for work, young jobseekers should probably network on LinkedIn and look for roles that fit their skills on Indeed every day.
9. Go Get Your Manager!
When you’re dissatisfied with the service or product you’ve received, sometimes it’s necessary to ask to speak to a manager. However, it’s important to approach the situation as politely and respectfully as possible to avoid being labeled a “Karen” or “Kevin.” Although people of all ages can be rude, Gen X and Boomers tend to receive this criticism more than other generations.
10. You’re Too Young To Be Tired
Although sleep issues and tiredness become more common with age, it’s best not to make assumptions about other people’s health status. Teens and young adults are increasingly developing chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases, which can cause significant levels of fatigue and pain. Youth is commonly associated with energy and vitality, but unfortunately, that’s not everyone’s experience.
11. You’re Being a Snowflake
Calling someone a snowflake or saying that they’re being too sensitive can come across as dismissive. If you don’t agree with someone else’s point of view, it’s better to end the conversation than to give them this disparaging nickname out of frustration.
12. Millennials Are Killing Everything
Millennials have been blamed for the decline of many businesses such as department stores and chain restaurants. Attributing societal and economic changes to younger generations only serves to deepen social tensions between age groups.
It’s unlikely that millennials alone are responsible for major cultural shifts like the downfall of malls. Plus, saying that millennials are killing everything won’t make things return to the way they were, so it’s best to avoid this unproductive train of thought.
Adapting to Changing Social Norms
Adapting to changing social norms can be difficult. Certain phrases and sayings that used to be common may be viewed as rude now, which can be hard to internalize and remember. However, good intentions and a willingness to apologize if necessary can go a long way toward fostering healthy communication across generations.

Vicky Monroe is a freelance personal finance and lifestyle writer. When she’s not busy writing about her favorite money saving hacks or tinkering with her budget spreadsheets, she likes to travel, garden, and cook healthy vegetarian meals.