When the topic of life insurance arises, it seems many of still have much to learn. A study from the Life Insurance and Market Research Association (LIMRA) found that less than one-third of Americans surveyed could pass a life insurance IQ test. More than half answered less than five of LIMRA’s 10 questions on its own life insurance quiz correctly.
In a Think Advisor report, a LIMRA spokesperson said that the findings shed light on the areas of life insurance that either confused consumers or uncovered widely held misperceptions.
How do you think your knowledge of life insurance compares with other Americans? With the Life Insurance Quirks You Should Know About quiz from Health IQ, you don’t need to wonder any longer. This quick quiz will test your knowledge on many aspects of life insurance including funeral coverage and employer life insurance policies. Instant feedback congratulates you for questions you answer correctly and teaches you more about the areas you may not understand. Once you’re done, the Health IQ leaderboard shows how your results compare to your friends and other Americans.
One of the most common reasons Americans have for failing to take out life insurance is that they don’t understand it. Why let a lack of knowledge hold you back from getting coverage that could protect your interests, your loved ones, and your estate? Take the Health IQ Life Insurance Quirks You Should Know About quiz today. Once you take the quiz, you can feel better about broadening your understanding of life insurance.