On the surface, you may see a man with deep, physical and mental struggles. What you’re really seeing is a man who fought to overcome some of the most difficult chapters of his life, rose above many and wrestles with others to this day.
Don’t we all face that challenge in life?
We can’t dwell on what is wrong with Gary Busey without acknowledging what he’s done about it.
Gary Busey’s reasons for only having a handful of items to his name (see them here) may go back to an acute brain injury that happened nearly 30 years ago. It’s not entirely clear, but psychiatrist Charles Sophy points toward Busey’s traumatic motorcycle accident as a possible cause.
In 1988, Busey lost control of his motorcycle in loose sand. He was thrown over the front without a helmet and struck a curb. His skull split open, the injury nearly killing him.
Decades later, Dr. Sophy speculates that such a traumatic injury may have affected some of Busey’s decision-making abilities. It’s likely it caused him to be more impulsive, rushing into things that may not have been in his best interest.
We all face that struggle.
You and I may not have taken a blow to the head, but we’re all faced with the prospect of making rash financial decisions and suffering the consequences.
If there’s anyone who’s a fighter, though, it’s Gary Busey.
When he suffered a drug overdose in 1995, Busey drew a line in the sand and said, “Enough.”
He’s been clean since that day.
Not only that, but Busey took even greater strides to turn his life around, becoming a Christian and joining the men’s outreach ministry called Promise Keepers started by Bill McCartney.
How we can apply this story to our lives.
I’ve read enough about Busey’s recent chapter 7 bankruptcy to know that celebrity status or major improvements in quality of life don’t ensure smooth sailing.
Pivotal moments in our life are often comprised of everyday decisions rolled into one moment.
I’ve looked into the eyes of people facing bankruptcy. You can tell when you’re looking at a fighter. They’re the ones who won’t just settle for their lot in life.
I don’t personally know Mr. Busey or what exactly led to some of this more recent financial turmoil in his life, but we all face it. Eventually. Celebrity or not. Whether we’re an award-winning actor on Dancing With the Stars or we’re sitting behind a desk.
What’s important is that we focus on decisions that greatly impact our own life. For example, what steps can we take to prepare for financial turmoil?
Here are a few places to start:
- Save for emergencies
- Live on less than you make
- Find support
Now, I hope you understand my answer to the question, “What is wrong with Gary Busey?” Nothing, really.
No more than the rest us, anyway.
How do you prepare for financial turmoil? Share in the comments below.
Image Credit: Jessica Pinney (Wikimedia)